
Cheats et mods pour Hitman 3

Trainers et cheats pour Steam, Epic Games, et Xbox

4.9/5 32K avis 10K+ téléchargements Sans danger Analysé par VirusTotal par FLiNG
Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Santé illimitée, Mode furtif (Invisible pour les ennemis) & 10 autres mods for Hitman 3 with WeMod

Mods 12

Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les ennemis)
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les caméras)
Mods d’inventaire
  • Mode Freelance: Modifier les Mercenaires
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
  • Pas de Rechargement
  • Super Précision
  • Pas de Recul
  • Cadence de tir améliorée
Mods d’ennemis
  • Brouiller les armes ennemies
  • Tueries en Un Coup
Mods de jeu
  • Régler la Vitesse du Jeu
Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les ennemis)
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les caméras)
Mods d’ennemis
  • Brouiller les armes ennemies
  • Tueries en Un Coup
Mods de jeu
  • Régler la Vitesse du Jeu
Mods d’inventaire
  • Mode Freelance: Modifier les Mercenaires
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
  • Pas de Rechargement
  • Super Précision
  • Pas de Recul
  • Cadence de tir améliorée
Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les ennemis)
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les caméras)
Mods de jeu
  • Régler la Vitesse du Jeu
Mods d’inventaire
  • Mode Freelance: Modifier les Mercenaires
Mods d’ennemis
  • Brouiller les armes ennemies
  • Tueries en Un Coup
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
  • Pas de Rechargement
  • Super Précision
  • Pas de Recul
  • Cadence de tir améliorée
Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les ennemis)
  • Mode furtif (Invisible pour les caméras)
Mods d’inventaire
  • Mode Freelance: Modifier les Mercenaires
Mods de jeu
  • Régler la Vitesse du Jeu
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
  • Pas de Rechargement
  • Super Précision
  • Pas de Recul
  • Cadence de tir améliorée
Mods d’ennemis
  • Brouiller les armes ennemies
  • Tueries en Un Coup
Vidéo de gameplay moddé
Vue d’ensemble des mods et cheats pour Hitman 3 Aperçu de la vidéo de démonstration

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LemonPainter919 25 août
Amazing! Just amazing how i could run past guards with an ak 47 on my back and them not notice thing![i was not in disguise if that was not clear]
BravePumpkin1569 22 juil.
its so crazy and fun and you don't need to copy and paste the mods straight into the code you just press a button and bam you have mods and you can bind different mods to different keys thanks wemod I LOVE YOU
FN_Fears 4 juil.
I have been using wemod for hitman 3 for 7 months now. It's SO GOOOD it makes it so easy to follow the story line without having to try 10 billion times getting to the right point. I was able to also give myself free merces with Wemod and I got tons of free weapons. Thanks Wemod for your help and dedication tomodding games! :D
LeadingRing551 5 mai
AMAZING!!!! I can be the perfect (unfair) hitman! My favorite part is activating stealth mode and just subduing innocent people in front of other people, the funny part is that they do nothing and they just don't care
LeadingRing551 17 janv.
I got to free play levels and when I turn invisible and kill/subdue someone next to a cop, the cop just doesnt care at all. It is hilarious 9/10
SteadySponge859 2 déc.
It was fun to mow down tons of npcs and see the guards do absolutely nothing. Also, i laughed soo hard when i just ran into a room and punched the target in the face.
CommissarDale 26 nov.
it works. using it to get SASA/SnA on every level because I hate challenges and want all location masteries but I don't have enough ours in the day to play every single level with the dedication of someone that can get silent assassin, suit only, sniper assassin by myself.
Greyz72 28 août
So great ...WeMod Hitman 3 Rockz! ... almost only way to play Freelancer ... fair .... Noticed unfair behavior after silent kills ... people somehow sees something and keep coming towards place .... so game isnt fair ... cheating with WeMod feels like playing honest .... lol
Greyz72 22 mai
OMG StealthMode is amazing .... was getting so frustrated that somehow a silent takedown was noticed ... even when there was no sight at all possible and takedown noice was at absolute minimal. Feals like game is cheating. So I cheat now also :-) Great work! and multiThnx!
PlainPlane215 17 févr.
been using this to deal with the beat freelance hardcore mode challenge since that mode kinda unreasonable. this mod be making getting through that a breeze thankfully
LtCrispyChickn 29 oct.
THESE ARE SOME OF THE BEST MODS EVER although I would appreciate it if you would add options like "unlock all items" for suits and guns and stuff or "Instant mastery" so a map and all of its challenges are automatically done but other than that it is a 10/10 mod
QuickRail154 31 mai
thanks for the fun I know it defeats the purpose of the challenge but sometimes mindlessly killing things without consequences is way better for my happiness...if that makes any sense and doesn't make me seem like a complete low functioning psycho...haha
UltimateAvocado448 11 mai
thank you so much i think the app is amazing it is so easy. now not having to go on very scetchy websites but with a click of a button you can have whatever you want i highly suggest this app 10/10 one thing to note tho is that sometimes if i enter a game the mods to not work there for i need to restart my game or sometimes my entire computer but other than that im amazed at what this can do. very exited for upcoming updates.
ViableFox633 18 avr.
It really gave me the freedom to mess around with the ai and see how they would recact to things. causing mayhem in stleth mode, running away, then turning it off is really intresting, italso makes you overpowered which has its fair share of fun oppertunities. Apologies for my awful spelling.
FreshRabbit621 17 avr.
wemod is awesome, cheats available for all my favorite games with the most user-friendly GUI/interface i've ever seen. It really doesn't get better than wemod,I am so glad I found them, theyre a 'hiddge' gem
ayuser321 22 janv.
The epic games version of the cheats works with the steam version. Just click the down arrow near the Play button and add the hitman 3.exe from the steam common folder in.
OriginalPlant827 3 juil.
All amazing except for the fact that the unlimited health only applies for bullets so if you get into hand to hand combat you can still die
WokeCook544 3 mai
Just breathe taking. I could feel the air coming out of my lungs in joy while I was playing this. I'm sorry I feel like I have to be more clear, while playing this mod right here, the Hitman 2 mod, my soul was leaving out of my butthole.
KrimsonKaoz 15 févr.
The trainer works very well minus the occasional disconnect from the servers. Usually this only happens like once an hour, but I have had some instances where this issue can happen the moment i reconnect to the servers and then just keep repeating until i disconnect the trainer and restart it. I;d give it a 4/5 stars
Soul7vn 6 févr.
Very fluid gameplay while cheats were active and no issue when deactivating cheats. Huge help during a point in the game where I was stuck. Thanks WeMod!
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