made my experience very fun and i was able to get through the gamewith pure numbers i loved it
tits are just as awesome as playing a game with wemod
Working Great for Battlefleet Gothic Armada. Thank you a ton!
Great set of mods, but weaken enemy shields and health for whatever reason seems to result in instant death and shields on any friendly ships as well, I am unsure why. Otherwise, great.
Honestly expected to have to find the .exe myself but hell no WeMod has got your back awesome 10/10 would bang again.
in the last battle of the campaign the cheats for health and shield also count for the enemy
Wanna just sit back and enjoy the story. This is the only way!
Thanks for the effort and hard work you have put in.
A fun batch of mods to let the Serotonin go brrr
Many Thanks for your efforts for the mod has worked flawlessly! ;D
Thank for this great mod makes the game much more fun
Awesome selection; allowed for accurate lore reenactment
Amazing, wanted to get through the game to see the story firsthand and with the wonderful help of WeMod I was able to speed through the boring repetition of the game to get straight into the lore and story!
Works good. Haven't used all the options, but Unlimited Health, Fleet Size, Renown, and Deployment work fine with the recent Steam update.
It worked, but I had to manually input the exe file location.
Thanks this was what I was looking for!~
Good trainer. Works fine even if it requires an update
Brilliant cheats really made the game fun
Thetrainer deffinitly needs an update. All functions are working, but sometimes the weak hp option makes zour own ships weak too...
It's very nice. Sometimes it doesn't fully well. But it's is very useful
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