Castle Crashers achievements

Achievements for Steam

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12 achievements % of all players

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Melee Is Best
Defeat any end boss without using any magic.
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Maximum Firepower
Using a catapult, fling a knight with maximum power.
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Treasure Hunter
Find and dig up ten buried items.
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Deer Trainer
Navigate the Abandoned Mill without hitting any obstacles.
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Complete the game using any character.
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In a 4 player game, resuscitate each of your fallen comrades at least once.
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The Traitor
Defeat any boss by playing one of his own minions.
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Kay Eye Ess Ess
Collect all 4 princesses' kisses in a multiplayer game.
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Animal Handler
Collect all the animal orbs.
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Conscientious Objector
Complete the Home Castle through Barbarian Boss areas without attacking any foes.
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The Final Countdown
Survive until 2:30 in a Back Off Barbarian match.
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Arena Master
Win 40 Arena Online Matches.

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How do I use the cheats in Castle Crashers?
WeMod will safely display all of the games on your PC. Open a game from the list and simply press play. After the game loads and once you’re in-game, you can start enabling different cheats!
Will this work with my game version?
WeMod uses advanced technology to detect the game version you’re running and will let you know if it’s supported. If it’s not, you will still have the option of giving it a try or requesting an update!