Dig or Die achievements

Achievements for Steam

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18 achievements % of all players

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Tier II
Build an Auto-Builder MK II (Solo only).
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Tier III
Build an Auto-Builder MK III (Solo only).
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Tier IV
Build an Auto-Builder MK IV (Solo only).
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Tier V
Build an Auto-Builder MK V (Solo only).
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Escape from the planet (Solo only).
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What do they say about the Marvel movies credits? (Remark: other achievements are deactivated during epilogue)(Solo only).
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Crystal Multiplication
Generate new Black Crystals (Solo only).
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Kill even what is not alive (Solo only).
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Joined in Hell
Kill them both (Solo only).
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M-M-M-Monster Kill!
Your AI drone kills 5 monsters in a row (max 0.8s between each kill) (Solo only).
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Lucky Shot
Kill 20 monsters with one single projectile (Solo only).
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Run Forest, Run!
Survive the first night without shooting nor crafting anything, in Hard or Brutal difficulty (Solo only).
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Action Man
Survive the first night without crafting anything, in Brutal difficulty (Solo only).
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Brutal Escape
Escape from the planet in Brutal difficulty (Solo only).
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Early Dive
Reach the underground ocean and go back to the surface, without crafting Auto-Builder MK2, in Hard or Brutal difficulty (Solo only).
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Amish Paradise
Finish the game without producing any electricity in Hard or Brutal difficulty (Solo only).
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Master Tower Builder
Build a tower at least 70 blocks height (Solo only).
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Master Bridge Builder
Build a bridge at least 40 blocks large (Solo only).

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How do I use the cheats in Dig or Die?
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