HunieCam Studio achievements

Achievements for Steam

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16 achievements % of all players

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Employ your very first cam girl.
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Harem (Strictly Professional)
Employ a full staff of 8 cam girls.
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Diversity Day
Have one girl of each race doing a cam show simultaneously.
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Guilty Pleasures
Unlock all outfits and hairstyles for one girl.
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Babe Magnet
Recruit all 18 girls at least once (across all save files).
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Shill King
Purchase 8 ads within a single day.
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Diligent Degeneracy
Complete a game session without dropping below 5 cigs or drinks.
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Platinum Porksword
Earn the Platinum trophy.
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Gold Gearshift
Earn the Gold trophy without escorting.
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Diamond D-train
Earn the Diamond trophy.
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Brand Loyalty
Employ a full staff made up entirely of HuniePop characters.
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Wolf Of Ball Skeet
Purchase every investment within 21 days.
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Catch 'Em All
Contract all 6 STDs (within a single save file).
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Disappoint Your Parents
Unlock all outfits and hairstyles for all girls.
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Silver Skinflute
Earn the Silver trophy using only 3 girls.
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Bronze Babymaker
Earn the Bronze trophy without using accessories.

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How do I use the cheats in HunieCam Studio?
WeMod will safely display all of the games on your PC. Open a game from the list and simply press play. After the game loads and once you’re in-game, you can start enabling different cheats!
Will this work with my game version?
WeMod uses advanced technology to detect the game version you’re running and will let you know if it’s supported. If it’s not, you will still have the option of giving it a try or requesting an update!