Traguardi di QUAKE II

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13 obiettivi % di tutti i giocatori

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Establish Communications
Quake II: Establish a communication link to the command ship
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Destroy Strogg Logistical Train
Quake II: Destroy the Strogg logistical train and restore power to key warehouse components
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Destroy Security Grid
Quake II: Enter the security pyramid and destroy the security grid protecting the industrial region
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Navigate the Mines
Quake II: Navigate the mines to find a service entrance to the factory
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Shut Down Processing Plant
Quake II: Shut down all machines in the Strogg processing plant
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Destroy Strogg Main Reactor
Quake II: Infiltrate and destroy Strogg main reactor
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Destroy the Big Gun
Quake II: Find and destroy the Strogg's planetary defense system, the Big Gun
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Destroy Black Hole Generator
Quake II: Close main hangar bay door and destroy the Black Hole Generator
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Assassinate the Makron
Quake II: Neutralize Strogg leader's communication system
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Disc Collector
Call of the Machine: Collect all six Data Discs, and defeat the Strogg Creator
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Shut Down the Core
Quake II 64: Enter an alternate timeline, and destroy the Guardians
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Destroy the Moon Base
The Reckoning: Infiltrate the Strogg Moon Base, and destroy the fleet
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Ground Zero: Find and eliminate the Strogg's great weapon, the Gravity Well

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