
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Trainer & Mods

Trainer und Mods für Steam und Xbox

4.9/5 34K Bewertungen 10K+ Downloads Sicher VirusTotal Scan von STiNGERR
Kostenlos herunterladen Los geht's 85MB Windows ...oder besuche uns auf deinem PC, um die App herunterzuladen Hole dir Schiffsrumpfwert, Hervorgehobenen Schiffsrumpf festlegen & 9 andere Mods for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion with WeMod

Mods 11

  • Schiffsrumpfwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsrumpf festlegen
  • Schiffsschildwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsschild festlegen
  • Unbegrenzte Ressourcen
  • Unbegrenzte Schiffe
  • Schneller Bau
  • Schnelle Forschung
  • Schnelles Upgrade
  • Schnelle Produktion
  • Unbegrenzte Slots
  • Schiffsrumpfwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsrumpf festlegen
  • Schiffsschildwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsschild festlegen
  • Unbegrenzte Ressourcen
  • Unbegrenzte Schiffe
  • Schneller Bau
  • Schnelle Forschung
  • Schnelles Upgrade
  • Schnelle Produktion
  • Unbegrenzte Slots
  • Schiffsrumpfwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsrumpf festlegen
  • Schiffsschildwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsschild festlegen
  • Unbegrenzte Ressourcen
  • Unbegrenzte Schiffe
  • Schneller Bau
  • Schnelle Forschung
  • Schnelles Upgrade
  • Schnelle Produktion
  • Unbegrenzte Slots
  • Schiffsrumpfwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsrumpf festlegen
  • Schiffsschildwert
  • Hervorgehobenen Schiffsschild festlegen
  • Unbegrenzte Ressourcen
  • Unbegrenzte Schiffe
  • Schneller Bau
  • Schnelle Forschung
  • Schnelles Upgrade
  • Schnelle Produktion
  • Unbegrenzte Slots
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WeMod ist die Nr. 1-App für Mods & Cheats für 3000+ Spiele

Kostenlos herunterladen Los geht's 85MB Windows ...oder besuche uns auf deinem PC, um die App herunterzuladen Hole dir Schiffsrumpfwert, Hervorgehobenen Schiffsrumpf festlegen & 9 andere Mods for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion with WeMod
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Wie verwende ich die Cheats in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion?
WeMod zeigt alle Spiele sicher auf deinem PC an. Öffne ein Spiel aus der Liste und drücke einfach auf die Spieltaste. Nach dem Spiel geladen wird und sobald du im Spiel bist, kannst du verschiedene Cheats aktivieren!
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MoMoney420 8 Okt
This trainer or cheat menu works really well with Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion and I haven't found a problem thus far. It even works if you use mods in-game!
MadRaptor 18 Nov
Ty, though i wish a quick level 10 upgrade for killing a pirate was still available, these new ones allow greater functionality. ty developer dude :)
ChiefSpider453 28 Aug
this work better on newest version of game. newer version of trainer break game on start.
FellowTwig643 15 Mär
Thank you so much. Appreciate the mod. The game helps me relax on really bad days at work.
HiddenSky577 3 Nov
Have to run the game before mods provided here. Didn't see a note about it. Works perfectly fine!
Ry1979 22 Okt
Thanks!! Some times i just want to mess around or be a bit OP. But i could never find anything that worked, including on here till you updated this. Much appreciated!!
Noobie_McGee 10 Okt
Yup! It worked alright without any bugs or glitches. You guys and girls over there did good. Thanks
invisiblplayer 22 Aug
Please add the ability for unlimited titans and maybe have everything reasearched already. If possible that would be awesome!
LiquidMarble863 22 Apr
While it will dull the game experience after some time, using the cheats to act as an all-powerful god makes that short-lived fun extremely satisfactory. Thank you!
DaHacker878 17 Apr
Great work on the Sins Rebellion, would be nice if me or other user's could set Unlimited Resources 10,000 to 99,000.
ProperWave111 25 Jan
Very nice work keep it up. Thank you for taking the time to develop something that actually works.
Hoxers 5 Jan
it was great too many cheats do seem to lag the game a little bit. There needs to be an prepare for cheats button that does too this removes fleet limits for everyone and makes the AI moreeffeceint
TalentedEagle673 11 Okt
At first i was hesitant but once it worked i was amazed. Thank you for taking your time creating these mods
Alba-Angelus 31 Jul
It worked great , but I need to figure out how to get it to not cause a sync issue when playing Lan with my step son vs AI if that is at all possible.
Furikitten 30 Jun
A little bit of instability with the latest update, but I am also using Interrgegnum mod currently... so it might be just an instability as the extendede e4x already changes a lot
MajorDog198 16 Mai
absolutely love the mod! it allows me to have a more.. controlled enforced stalemate environment
JollyAnt356 7 Mär
thank-you, without those mods, it would be difficult to take revenge of double teaming A hole F'd up AI. I assure you they suffered slowly :)
British_Reaper77 17 Feb
i like it, best way to experiment and explore the factions in a sandbox like manner.
PlainZebra145 13 Feb
Thanks guys so busy I really dont have time to game. But thanks to you guys made my gaming a bit better with time thanks again keep up the good work..
SweetOven438 12 Feb
although the unlimited ships did not increase the amount of supercaps available, everything else worked. Very fun, really wanted to break the game with 10 supercaps though.
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