Thank you for making this such a fun game to play. I have been able to play without dying and I am enjoying the game a lot more now.
Thanks, works well.
Any chance of a key to add gold please?
Works like a charm! Happy that the devs managed to roll this out for the Epic version. :)
thanks and keep up the good work
Having great fun here :)
Works well, Setting Level Exp freezes you in Ch. 1, Prob bec. That's the max exp you can get per run But my level never changed. Might've done something wrong but won't mess with it again.
Thank you, this worked really great ♥
Great! Wish there was a money Mod though
All mods worked awesome. Thanks
I absolutely love this app. Well done
thanks, now i can play this game many time.
fun just wish there was a add gold cheat
Thank you, its fun to explore after finishing a game :D
Cheers! No unlimited moolah cheat but going out to grab it is fun.
ty it's the best omg it ROCKS
Thank you for this awsome app,and keep on working hard you legend!
P.S Fix pillars of eternity 1 so that we can run a 64 bit version of the game.Because when i hitplay it says that these mods only support 32 bit version of the game and you are running the 64 bit version.Have a nice day!!
Works great, good for removing some of the grind.
Wish i could lvl past 72 and add gold.
Only complaint is that there is no gold option and stats only go to 100. This is killer otherwise though!