
Trainers et mods pour Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Trainers, cheats et cartes pour Steam et Xbox

4.9/5 34K avis 10K+ téléchargements Sans danger Analysé par VirusTotal par MrAntiFun
Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Invincibilité, Souffle de Feu Super & 4 autres mods for Spyro Reignited Trilogy with WeMod

Mods 6

Mods de joueur
  • Invincibilité
  • Souffle de Feu Super
  • Super Vitesse
  • Super Saut
  • Vitesse de Vol Supérieure
  • Geler le Temps
Mods de joueur
  • Invincibilité
  • Souffle de Feu Super
  • Super Vitesse
  • Super Saut
  • Vitesse de Vol Supérieure
  • Geler le Temps
Mods de joueur
  • Invincibilité
  • Souffle de Feu Super
  • Super Vitesse
  • Super Saut
  • Vitesse de Vol Supérieure
  • Geler le Temps
Mods de joueur
  • Invincibilité
  • Souffle de Feu Super
  • Super Vitesse
  • Super Saut
  • Vitesse de Vol Supérieure
  • Geler le Temps
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Ces mods font partie de notre collection PC Game Pass → .


Étape 1

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WeMod est l’application numéro 1 pour les mods et cheats, avec plus de 3000 jeux compatibles

Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Invincibilité, Souffle de Feu Super & 4 autres mods for Spyro Reignited Trilogy with WeMod
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Étape 2

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Comment faire pour utiliser des cheats dans Spyro Reignited Trilogy ?
WeMod affiche en toute sécurité tous les jeux installés sur votre PC. Ouvrez un jeu dans la liste et lancez-le d’un seul clic. Une fois en jeu, vous pouvez commencer à activer différents cheats !
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WeMod utilise une technologie avancée pour détecter la version du jeu et indique si elle est prise en charge. Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous pouvez toujours essayer ou demander une mise à jour !


Missymermaid25 25 févr.
wemod pairs with this game really well. i have a blast using these for every personal best i make. it helps me practice areas that are hard for me and teaches me what i missed. thanks for this helpful boost!
Every mod works as its supposed thanks MrAntiFun and To the whole WEMOD TEAM
Siv6Si 24 nov.
works perfectly with Xbox / Game Pass Edition.
CrankyMonkey666 20 avr.
Mods worked well but there is a bug with God Mode. When facing armored enemies that you need to charge, charging doesn't hurt them with the mod active. Switching it off works but that defeats the purpose. Also super speed doesn't always turn off instantly after you turn it off. Sometimes it remains active for a while.
DracoSol 19 févr.
Couple of the mods were a bit hard to work with...but overall worked for what was there. The "Super Fire Breath" i wish was the fireball kind and not a wider range attack, and the "Super Jump" is stupid broken (which is good)
DanSutherland 9 févr.
This has made this game so much more accessible for me!!!
RoyalBanana661 12 mars
Thanks if there was more game cheats it would be good
Darkopolypse98 28 sept.
turned on super jump, within five seconds i jumpedover a mountain and fell throughthe map, spyro 3 start of game, safe to say super jump works! thought you oughta know xD love this, thank you very much!
Missymermaid25 9 sept.
This is so awesome! i achieved more than ever before with these options. highly recommended to any spyro reignited player wanting some boosts.
SweetRollGal 6 juil.
I already said thanks. multiple times. please don't ask this again.
ArtisticDragon 11 juin
It was fun to goof around with high jumps and super fast flying!! God mode made a few enemies invincible (the space cows in metropolis for instance) just to let you know. : o)
CyDragon2 12 mai
well this'll help with leveling the playing field on bosses
zillastomp 28 avr.
super fun still, but the super jump is hard to control, lol
BFRebel1996 20 avr.
Awesome job. The command for the super jump sometimes takes a few other actions to process when you toggle it on and off. Other than that everything works just as it says.
rubbrchikn 11 avr.
fun but crashed my game once, would love to see more mods in the future!
AnsellAngelus 10 mars
Speedrunning Spyro cuz nothing can kill me. 10/10 would cheat again
Missymermaid25 4 mars
These little cheats helped me to finish more of the game. thanks so much for this boost.
agcilia 4 mars
really help me enjoy the games, thanks wemod..
ParallelChicken26 1 mars
The super jump and god mode make this game a lot more enjoyable! Thank you for your work!
AnsellAngelus 7 févr.
couldn't have gotten those achievements without you. keepit up, you're doing God's work. ;P
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