
Trainers et mods pour Subnautica

Trainers, cheats et cartes pour Steam, Epic Games, et Xbox

4.9/5 34K avis 100K+ téléchargements Sans danger Analysé par VirusTotal par MrAntiFun
Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Santé illimitée, Oxygène Illimité & 6 autres mods for Subnautica with WeMod

Mods 8

Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Oxygène Illimité
  • Eau illimitée
  • Nourriture Illimitée
  • Vitesse de nage super rapide
  • Batterie Illimitée
Mods de jeu
  • Artisanat Facile
  • Construction Facile
Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Oxygène Illimité
  • Eau illimitée
  • Nourriture Illimitée
  • Vitesse de nage super rapide
  • Batterie Illimitée
Mods de jeu
  • Artisanat Facile
  • Construction Facile
Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Oxygène Illimité
  • Eau illimitée
  • Nourriture Illimitée
  • Vitesse de nage super rapide
  • Batterie Illimitée
Mods de jeu
  • Artisanat Facile
  • Construction Facile
Mods de joueur
  • Santé illimitée
  • Oxygène Illimité
  • Eau illimitée
  • Nourriture Illimitée
  • Vitesse de nage super rapide
  • Batterie Illimitée
Mods de jeu
  • Artisanat Facile
  • Construction Facile
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WeMod est l’application numéro 1 pour les mods et cheats, avec plus de 3000 jeux compatibles

Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Santé illimitée, Oxygène Illimité & 6 autres mods for Subnautica with WeMod
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Comment faire pour utiliser des cheats dans Subnautica ?
WeMod affiche en toute sécurité tous les jeux installés sur votre PC. Ouvrez un jeu dans la liste et lancez-le d’un seul clic. Une fois en jeu, vous pouvez commencer à activer différents cheats !
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WeMod utilise une technologie avancée pour détecter la version du jeu et indique si elle est prise en charge. Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous pouvez toujours essayer ou demander une mise à jour !


MoralFox3421 6 oct.
BeyondTheAurora 9 juin
its actually fun to play with mods on Subnautica. Highly recommend using mods on this game it makes the game 10x more fun and makes some of the missions enjoyable if your just looking for a good time
GrandLaptop4193 20 avr.
Hey i had a lot of fun with the mod, if possible maybe add something like where even if u dont have ion cube to activate a portal it lets you do it anyway. Like i said even if its possible.
StaticPizza790 17 févr.
amazing mods here,the speed mod really helps if your a scaredy cat like me so you start to freak out when a laviothion shows up you run. p.s thanks
opie9710 25 mai
I am one of those players that do not have fast refluxes and sometimes when attacked I freeze instead of instantly fighting and then a lot of the times I am dead. So I thank you so that I can enjoy the games without having to worry about them killing me.
janselmo001 16 avr.
Thanks, the mods worked great! I just wish the keys were mapped to something else by default, because it brought up different overlays inside the game.
DestinedMoon366 11 sept.
its really useful if you forget something across the map or just wanna have fun swimming with hostile animals and not have to worry about anything
ViableGamer792 10 sept.
great now I can explore without problem. game looked good but I wouldn't be able to enjoy it because I not very good at games like this. now with the mods I don't have to worry and it's my first time.
LivingCarrot285 4 sept.
I have used for several games. I don't have very much time to play games and for hard grind games it makes it a little more fun.
Camblestown 1 mai
This is working great . It's help me through some hard spots in some of my games . I hope you will be adding more games to the list
LostTree951 16 janv.
It allowed me to get cool screenshots and I was able to do anything I wanted pretty much with the fast swimming and unlimited health.
JayBsAish36 29 déc.
I'm so thankful to have these wonderful, yet simple mods to help me play. I'm not good at games in the least but at least with this it lets me be able to have a little fun. I thank those for making this because sometimes it's hard always looking at people play games, but never able to play yourself because it just doesn't come naturally. Thank you for thinking of people like me.
Nomalon 23 juil.
i am so scared of this game because i have a phobia of the ocean so like yeah and the superswimming speed and easy crafting and easy construction saved me because i was really behind the game when the aurora ship was gonna explode so i had to make the suit fast :D
Daybreaker16 12 juil.
love it been using it for a while now, only thing i hope it has more cheats for other game sites. most of the cheats the game has to be from steam
Xynomel 27 mai
i lost my previous save files of subnautica and i wanted to speed up my progress. Thank you for making it possible to catch up with my old saves.
DistantKitten895 11 mai
was able to have some fun with it but ended up getting lost in the lava kingdom ahhaha my seamouth blew up and i tried to get there with a flashlight ahaha. I'll figure it out but being able to build things whenever is great i liked the challenge of finding the fragements vs creative mode but still sorta in between. neat cheats, needs one for protecting your mounts though.
ManualHamster163 14 mars
I like how i can mod it so i can make stuff but also have to work for it lol. Thanks to you i can have fun with subnatica even though i beat the game like 13 times it never gets old. Also do you guys make mods for subnatica below zero.
ImmuneRiddle 4 mars
This is an awesome cheat system, but I think you should change one thing: an infinite power cheat so that you don't need solar panels and thermal plants as power for your base.
ImmuneRiddle 23 févr.
Whoever made this, great job! I am loving this pack of cheats a lot, but there is one thing that I want: the infinite battery cheat to work with the habitats as well, or have a separate cheat for them. Other than that, this is amazing!
Kuwi_The_Messenger 18 févr.
Super swimming speed is the new super highway to get from one sea base to another. Need to get to the sunbeam quickly? Super swim will get you there. Tired of being stuck underground while underwater? Superswim can help. Need to get to a base that's like 10,000 miles away? Superswim is your best buddy.
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