
Trainers et mods pour Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts

Trainers, cheats et cartes pour Steam

4.9/5 34K avis 10K+ téléchargements Sans danger Analysé par VirusTotal par MrAntiFun
Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Construction rapide, Recherche Instantanée & 7 autres mods for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts with WeMod

Mods 9

Mods de joueur
  • Construction rapide
  • Recherche Instantanée
  • Construction Instantanée de Chantier Naval
  • Pas de Troubles
  • Invincibilité
Mods d’inventaire
  • Argent illimité
Mods de statistiques
  • Prestige Naval Illimité
  • Réserve d'Équipage Illimitée
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
Mods de joueur
  • Construction rapide
  • Recherche Instantanée
  • Construction Instantanée de Chantier Naval
  • Pas de Troubles
  • Invincibilité
Mods d’inventaire
  • Argent illimité
Mods de statistiques
  • Prestige Naval Illimité
  • Réserve d'Équipage Illimitée
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
Mods de joueur
  • Construction rapide
  • Recherche Instantanée
  • Construction Instantanée de Chantier Naval
  • Pas de Troubles
  • Invincibilité
Mods d’inventaire
  • Argent illimité
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
Mods de statistiques
  • Prestige Naval Illimité
  • Réserve d'Équipage Illimitée
Mods de joueur
  • Construction rapide
  • Recherche Instantanée
  • Construction Instantanée de Chantier Naval
  • Pas de Troubles
  • Invincibilité
Mods d’inventaire
  • Argent illimité
Mods de statistiques
  • Prestige Naval Illimité
  • Réserve d'Équipage Illimitée
Mods d’armes
  • Munitions illimitées
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Téléchargement gratuit Commencer 85MB Windows … ou visitez notre site sur votre PC pour télécharger l’application Obtenir Construction rapide, Recherche Instantanée & 7 autres mods for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts with WeMod
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Comment faire pour utiliser des cheats dans Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts ?
WeMod affiche en toute sécurité tous les jeux installés sur votre PC. Ouvrez un jeu dans la liste et lancez-le d’un seul clic. Une fois en jeu, vous pouvez commencer à activer différents cheats !
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HelpfulCake6691 26 nov.
Love playing this game any chance you can work around the ship weight issues? Keep up the great work.
DrakeMallard 4 oct.
These mods have done an excellent job of not only playing the game in a more sandbox fashion, but they've been great helpers in getting over some pretty insane bugs that have been present for a while now as the game has continued to develop!
Mothergeese 12 sept.
I thoroughly appreciate your work in making this game more accessible for people like myself who don't have time or energy for the grind of getting into such a deep game. Thank you.
ImplicitLobster728 19 août
One of my favorite games. The instant research option allows me to have a blast with schizotech.
TooOldToBePlaying 11 août
Keep p the great work! Your efforts are sincerely appreciated and valued. you have a true gem here!
DigitalPizza8444 18 juil.
Thank you so much! The campaign in this game is stupid hard and explains nothing. Your mod made it fun
MadEyee1 16 mai
Thanks for all your work. have up to date game update 5/15 for Dreadnoughts. mods appear to be working correctly. no issues found yet.
OrganicCorn983 15 avr.
Thank you sir! Really helps create a sandbox feel. Just what this game needed. They all work perfectly.
MadEyee1 11 avr.
mods seem to be working okay, thank you game devs with all their updates are not improving game play but making game unplayable
CzarGopnik 23 mars
Great mods for the game maybe make it so unlimited money is higher because even with it on I cant build a fleet without going bankrupt or maybe its because I am making too large of ships
Jeslis 21 mars
Does what it says (Fast build, Instant Research, Instant shipyard Constr (to expand the shipyards). Unlimited money just gives 100bil, which is more than enough. Did not test others.
BaronVonSwagger 10 mars
The new update somehow fixed the instant research mod. Everything else works as far as I know!
Khanite 9 mars
Working good so far. Probably need some more explanation on whether it's safe to leave the controls on before ending turn.
LogicalStick293 27 févr.
thanks , would like to see instant research in selected techs only if that's possible but other than that it's all good !
Kotyk-55 4 févr.
Thanks! It works nice. If you will add something for the weight and cost in the ship builder it will be perfect!
RoyalModder783 11 janv.
its great keep up the great work also can u make one for spotify to block their ads that would be pretty cool.
AtomicDolphin856 19 déc.
Thank you for keeping this running. Also, Unlimited Money requires you to look at the Finance page to get it to cycle to max money once.
mbbenson 4 août
This works quite well as far as I can see! Thank you for the trainer. Feature request: Instant research, but only for focused techs--it can be fun to have 1 field very advanced (engines or radar, for example) without otherwise being significantly ahead of the opposition.
SillyPumpkin552 4 août
Working on newest patch. Helped me understand the Army/Invasion modifier which was a mystery thanks to the gam dev not inc a tutorial. thank you!!!!!
AmericanBlitzkrieg 18 oct.
Everything here worked really well, except for the instant research. With Instant Research enabled, I couldn't progress through the research tree, and whenever I turned it on after having it off for a few months, it would reset all of my progress and no other progress would be made.
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