
pencapaian Valkyria Chronicles

Pencapaian untuk Steam

Download gratis Mulai 85MB Windows ...atau kunjungi kami melalui PC untuk mendownload aplikasi Dapatkan Kesehatan Tak Terbatas, Poin Aksi Tak Terbatas & 4 mod lainnya for Valkyria Chronicles with WeMod

20 pencapaian % dari semua pemain

Ikon pencapaian
The Crimson Heart
Have a soldier who has fallen in combat survive either by calling a medic or clearing the battle before they die
Ikon pencapaian
The Lance of Gallia
Kill an enemy ace
Ikon pencapaian
Gallian Medal of Honor
Complete the Chapter 9 battle "Kidnapping of Cordelia"
Ikon pencapaian
Fouzen Service Medal
Complete the Chapter 10 battle "Liberation of Fouzen"
Ikon pencapaian
The Bronze Arms of Gallia
Kill 250 enemy units
Ikon pencapaian
Order of the Holy Shield
Complete any chapter battle after Chapter 10 without any of your units being reduced to 0 HP
Ikon pencapaian
Order of the Holy Lance
Earn an A Rank on any chapter battle after Chapter 10
Ikon pencapaian
Naggiar Service Medal
Complete the Chapter 14 battle "Showdown at Naggiar"
Ikon pencapaian
Ghirlandaio Service Medal
Complete the second Chapter 15 battle "To Fell a Citadel"
Ikon pencapaian
The Silver Arms of Gallia
Kill 500 enemy units
Ikon pencapaian
Savior of Gallia
Beat the game and begin a new game from the saved file
Ikon pencapaian
The Splintered Horn
Let a character who has unlocked his/her hidden potential die in combat
Ikon pencapaian
Order of the Golden Wings
Train all character classes to level 20
Ikon pencapaian
Excellence in Leadership
Learn every order
Ikon pencapaian
Excellence in Technology
Commission all tank upgrades (including all three level 3 Edelweiss upgrades) and collect all enemy ace tank parts
Ikon pencapaian
The Golden Arms of Gallia
Kill 1000 enemy units
Ikon pencapaian
Gallian Front Commemorative
Complete all chapters and reports
Ikon pencapaian
Excellence in Armament
Commission all weapon upgrades and collect all enemy ace and royal weapons
Ikon pencapaian
The Wings of Solidarity
Unlock the full personnel profiles for all recruits
Ikon pencapaian
Randgriz Crest of Honor
Earn an A Rank on every battle, including all reports and all ranks of all skirmish battles

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WeMod selalu aman dan gratis berkat komunitas kami yang terdiri dari jutaan gamer di seluruh dunia. Kami didukung oleh pelanggan WeMod Pro. Lihat ulasan kami di Trustpilot.

Bagaimana cara menggunakan cheat di Valkyria Chronicles?
WeMod akan menampilkan semua game di PC-mu dengan aman. Buka game dari daftar dan langsung mainkan. Setelah game dimuat dan kamu berada dalam game, kamu bisa mulai mengaktifkan berbagai cheat!
Apakah ini kompatibel dengan versi game saya?
WeMod menggunakan teknologi canggih untuk mendeteksi versi game yang kamu jalankan dan akan memberitahu kamu jika versi tersebut didukung. Jika tidak, kamu masih memiliki pilihan untuk mencobanya atau meminta pembaruan!