Traguardi di Resident Evil 4 (2005)

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It Begins With a Ring
Ring the mysterious bell. What happens after that, is up to you.
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A Rock and a Hard Place
Outmaneuver the rampaging beast, El Gigante.
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Secure the Ballistics
Rescue the president's daughter, Ashley. Afterwards, the real fun begins.
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A Bloodline Severed
Defeat the village chief in battle.
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The Castellan Falls
Defeat Salazar, and make your escape from the castle.
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The Ties That Bind
Defeat Krauser, your former partner, in battle.
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We're Going Home
Defeat Saddler in battle, and escape from the nightmare.
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A Terrifying Assassin
Turn the tables on Verdugo, the right hand of Salazar.
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Do Not Shoot the Water!
Summon the master of the lake. Don't rock the boat.
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The S Stands for Stylish!!
Acquire all of the costumes in the game.
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What Are They Worth?
Acquire all of the bottle caps in the game.
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A Heart of Steel
Clear the game on the highest difficulty.

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