this trainer helped me to complete the archivement "unlock all spell of magic" without paying ... great job..
thanks it worked really fine good job
it's a pretty challenging game and this trainer really helped out!
Thank you for your hard work and skill!
from the start to end all work well Done ......
So far, so good. Only used the first 2 mods but, seems to be working fine...
thanks devs. this one works really well
Feel like a god and also cheating haiiyaa
TY been playing Bloody Spell about a week now. I like alot about the game reminds me of Vindictus where it is good; but it has the worst control set up I have ever seen. Having just beaten the Blood thrister with your mod. (And I know thats a very early Boss) I know I never could have without it. Just being able to pump up HP when the player is totally overmatched is a huge help not using anything else so far. TY BB.
awesome mod i enjoyed the game so much now... :)
been a great help so far in the game.
very good, save my time to hit hit hit
Thank you for the great trainer.
unlimited health works just fine
would like to have more options like jump higher
Health, Blood Gauge and One-hit kills work well. Haven't tried any of the others as yet.
You guys are awesome. Thanks
Enjoying every minute of this :)
thank you so much Im really enjoy this MOD!!
Codes I've used seem to work as designed. The One-hit kill seems hit or miss at times.