Grand Theft Auto V Legacy Trainer、チート、マップ:

Trainer、チート、マップ: Steam, Epic Games, と Rockstar Games

4.9/5 34K件のレビュー 100K+ 件のダウンロード 安全 VirusTotalスキャン済み 作成者:MrAntiFun
無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード 無敵モードを入手, 無制限の健康 & その他22件のMod for Grand Theft Auto V Legacy with WeMod

Mod 24

  • 無敵モード
  • 無制限の健康
  • 最大ヘルス
  • 体力回復
  • スタミナ無制限
  • スタミナ再生率
  • 最大のスタミナ
  • スタミナを補充
  • 無限の呼吸
  • 無限の特別能力
  • 警察に見つからない
  • 6つ星の警察
  • 超速
  • 資金無制限
  • 最大ステータス
  • リロードなし
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 弾薬を追加
  • オートリロード
  • 選択武器の爆発弾
  • 選択武器の弾薬リセット
  • 神モード車両
  • 無限の健康車両
  • ウェイポイントテレポート
  • 無敵モード
  • 無制限の健康
  • 最大ヘルス
  • 体力回復
  • スタミナ無制限
  • スタミナ再生率
  • 最大のスタミナ
  • スタミナを補充
  • 無限の呼吸
  • 無限の特別能力
  • 警察に見つからない
  • 6つ星の警察
  • 超速
  • 資金無制限
  • 最大ステータス
  • リロードなし
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 弾薬を追加
  • オートリロード
  • 選択武器の爆発弾
  • 選択武器の弾薬リセット
  • 神モード車両
  • 無限の健康車両
  • ウェイポイントテレポート
  • 無敵モード
  • 無制限の健康
  • 最大ヘルス
  • 体力回復
  • スタミナ無制限
  • スタミナ再生率
  • 最大のスタミナ
  • スタミナを補充
  • 無限の呼吸
  • 無限の特別能力
  • 警察に見つからない
  • 6つ星の警察
  • 超速
  • 資金無制限
  • リロードなし
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 弾薬を追加
  • オートリロード
  • 選択武器の爆発弾
  • 選択武器の弾薬リセット
  • 最大ステータス
  • 神モード車両
  • 無限の健康車両
  • ウェイポイントテレポート
  • 無敵モード
  • 無制限の健康
  • 最大ヘルス
  • 体力回復
  • スタミナ無制限
  • スタミナ再生率
  • 最大のスタミナ
  • スタミナを補充
  • 無限の呼吸
  • 無限の特別能力
  • 警察に見つからない
  • 6つ星の警察
  • 超速
  • 資金無制限
  • 神モード車両
  • 無限の健康車両
  • 最大ステータス
  • ウェイポイントテレポート
  • リロードなし
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 弾薬を追加
  • オートリロード
  • 選択武器の爆発弾
  • 選択武器の弾薬リセット
WeModのModの概要 デモ動画プレビュー





無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード 無敵モードを入手, 無制限の健康 & その他22件のMod for Grand Theft Auto V Legacy with WeMod








オン オフ 無限の体力 無限のスタミナ Modを切り替える



✓ Modが有効



コミュニティに加わってくれている世界中の何百万というゲーマーの方々のおかげで、WeModはいつでも安全で無料です。WeModは、WeMod Proサブスクリプション購入者によって支えられています。WeModについてのレビューをTrustpilotでご確認ください。

Grand Theft Auto V Legacyでチートを使うにはどうすればよいですか?


UltimateSheep9641 2 2月
Thanks for all your hard work on these mods, they make the game fun for an old man. Had nothing but trouble trying to keep up with the controller, but with god mode, I have time to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do... Thank you so much!
bb3r2d2 27 1月
was a bit buggy like taking a second before it would kick in but what can i say it does its job although i did manage to die with godmode hopped in the car shot another car with explosivebullets both me and the car were in godmode but it exploded killing me in the proscess
arilopez04 30 11月
Just sending a message of gratitude for your hardwork with the mods, not just for this one, but for all those that you're involved in making. :) It really makes the gaming experience much more enjoyable when from time to time, you can make things a little easier on yourself.
CentralWave195 1 4月
This is very useful for GTA V, but it would be the best if they add unlimited money for online as it doesn't hurt people and it helps you get your dreams come true. If you wanted that its nothing on the money you have! if you wanted a pistol did you even buy it or is it i didn't notice the change? with it you can't buy players, but buy whatever you desire!
InvisibleShoe270 19 1月
it was really cool to have unlimited money and max stats. i will say that superspeed is kinda messed up it like pushes you to the right or left and every civillian has superspeed. one last thing is that it would be cool to have a spawn menue but i think that would be a little to much to ask for
Strayone 30 12月
The Mods worked perfectly, no glitches, no lag and no crashes. They all worked and it made the game that much more enjoyable. Being able to go crazy and have fun without having it register on cheats in game is a bonus too. Thank you, a much appreciated mod. Keep up the great work!
CentralHotkey626 21 12月
glad someone actualy remembers how we used to be able to just have this kind of thing though i do kinda miss being able toput in the command in order to get them though other than that one of the best things i have found and much eazier than trying to actualy mod these in manualy lol
SolarChalk680 16 9月
I LOVE THE CHEATS... I was always was looking for a money glitch on gta v. and i was just watching youtube the other day and came across an ad... so i was impressed with the video, but when i downloaded it myself... it was like i was in charge of the entire gta world... thank you alot for making this app :D
Dontecygahn 7 9月
I played the game. It was fun. After a while, I decided to stop playing the game. That doesn't mean the game was no longer fun, just that I had reached a stopping point. I'll probably play a different game a little later but for now, I'm just going to socialize with some friends and do something productive. jk. I'm going to play a different game. lol. you believed me.
FellowChalk326 25 7月
Thanks to the developer lmao had lots of fun playing with mods in single-player! I used explosive bullets on my pistol that was pretty funny. I was playing on a laptop though so I want to eventually get a pc with good performance so I can play better (playing gta5 on a laptop is next to unplayable)
Loser31415 30 5月
Great,love the money cheat,probably the only things i would say are maybe instead of having cops completely not see u instead maybe have it so u can just lose them alot easier when u have heaps of cops after you,also the teleportation has a long way to go in terms of accuracy and also how high it takes you when you get teleported. other then that it is great
SecureLaptop758 21 5月
thanks. really couldnt test anything becuse i was getting less than 1 fps and couldnt complete the first mission but pretty much every feature works! would prefer if explosive weapons only applied to weapons that I SHOOT personally but thats all. thanks
Daniel069 13 5月
would be great if there were more things to do (car speed, change time, spawn vehicles) but it would then be a menu. for free this is 100% worth. The only things that were a bit off was the infinite money (did nothing for me) and the teleport worked 3 times out of 10.It just put me under the map or nowhere near where i wanted to go but over all great app
FellowOwl804 9 3月
Amazing. I wish that there were a few more options for spawning vehicles though. I use this menu for GTA Online single player lobbies because I do vehicle filming shoots and havent been able to get the same feel in FiveM so I use GTA Online. I have to go out and find the car / buy it instead of just being able to directly spawn it in. Amazing menu though, has helped out a lot.
projectriptide 8 3月
nice to buy everything without having to almost none stop grind. I did risk using theses online only a few work was mainly hoping that money cheat would work so I could actually start playing but i used god mode so I wouldn't get killed by random player's while doing missions and jobs.
Oli_JG 19 2月
Great mods, work well all the time. My only advisement would be to try make the teleport feature work on online, but i understand this may result in legal issues for yourselfs and/or banning of players. So i understand this may not be possible. Keep up the excellent work!!
MagicBoii 12 2月
Thank you so so much for making amazing mods for GTA. Could you make it so when you 'Way point teleport' you don't spawn really high in the air, also there are a few bugs/glitches with way point teleport. Other than that this is a great mod website. I really really like it it has helped me with loads of the missions i have been stuck on. Many thanks:)
painmaker69 11 2月
hey man great mods love using them and i know some of them work online cause the health and car health along with ammo and explosives work is there a way around the infinite money for the online or at least be able to add specific amounts so it dosent look suspicios or even better be able to spawn a money truck or a money shooting gun? thanks much man keep up the good work
LovelyRabbit869 5 2月
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our broke and lazy community. It takes huge balls to invest their strokes and pleasure to build upon a free service for the desperate and needy. I can only say that each time I use your program, my excitement is as high as an orgasm. Please allow this time to give yourself a rub on the down there because you deserve it. I for sure am doing the same right now. Take care and I hope your services and with this program will last forever!
EggMez 3 2月
thx bro the godmode and not detected by police is great...godmode is good for selling stuff, but one recomendation would be to make unlimeted money foronline to, and it should be on usif we get banned. other wise everything is great bro thx! :)

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