Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition Trainer、チート、マップ:

Trainer、チート、マップ: Steam

4.9/5 34K件のレビュー 10K+ 件のダウンロード 安全 VirusTotalスキャン済み 作成者:STiNGERR
無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード 無制限の健康を入手, ダメージなし & その他4件のMod for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition with WeMod

Mod 6

  • 無制限の健康
  • ダメージなし
  • 無制限のエネルギー
  • アビリティを追加
  • スピリットレンジ
  • キーストーンを追加
  • 無制限の健康
  • ダメージなし
  • 無制限のエネルギー
  • アビリティを追加
  • スピリットレンジ
  • キーストーンを追加
  • 無制限の健康
  • ダメージなし
  • 無制限のエネルギー
  • アビリティを追加
  • キーストーンを追加
  • スピリットレンジ
  • 無制限の健康
  • ダメージなし
  • 無制限のエネルギー
  • アビリティを追加
  • スピリットレンジ
  • キーストーンを追加
WeModのModの概要 デモ動画プレビュー





無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード 無制限の健康を入手, ダメージなし & その他4件のMod for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition with WeMod








オン オフ 無限の体力 無限のスタミナ Modを切り替える



✓ Modが有効



コミュニティに加わってくれている世界中の何百万というゲーマーの方々のおかげで、WeModはいつでも安全で無料です。WeModは、WeMod Proサブスクリプション購入者によって支えられています。WeModについてのレビューをTrustpilotでご確認ください。

Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Editionでチートを使うにはどうすればよいですか?


SimpleZoo568 27 1月
I slept on this game for years because I didn't know if I'd like it. but I can see now that I was wrong. Playing with your trainer makes it a lot more enjoyable.
DoctorFury 8 1月
Well played sir. If I can't get the achievements to pop, I will get my mods instead:)
UltimateParty5234 11 7月
Thank you so very much. There are many areas in this game that I would not have been able to get past if not for using a mod or two. I am not very good at platform games and I would have given up on this if not for the moment of using a mod for a short while. Thank you, thank you.
MatheoLong0123 8 6月
If i use "good" to describe about this one, it will be humiliation. It has to be "beyond greatness"
AvelinaDragon 8 2月
This allowed me to get through a particularly tough part of the game. And it has also made it so I can practice those difficult spots without having to worry about waiting for the screen to load back to my last save.
Gialloman 22 10月
Thanks so much for creating this helpful list of mods to make the challenges of the starting levels easier. Truly appreciate it!!
sunnygrace95 21 10月
You've made this game enjoyable. I love the graphics, music, puzzles, etc but I've never cared for grindy/fps style games which some of the challenges in Ori feel like. I was getting so frustrated with being stuck after solving puzzles simply b/c I'm not fast enough on my keyboard. Literally a game-changer :D
WizardlyExpert929 26 6月
took a while toget the gist but it wasnew game plus grade experiance. OatBF is dark souls grade hard especially in hard mode. glad i had you guys and this mod helping with that. was a smooth ride!
pneuma_pnea 24 5月
all games should have difficulty settings. thanks for adding this basic options to the games some would never be able to enjoy otherwise.
Coretella 10 2月
Save my life, I abandoned Ori because of how stupidly difficult it was, even on easy mode.
StormDancer46 17 9月
I can finally just focus on the jumping puzzles and not have to stress over getting blindsided by an enemy spawning in a stupid location.
Angelblackblood25 1 5月
Love this a lot, helps get better at the game when you are stuck in some places
LadyBlueJustice 21 4月
Thank you for helping me play a game that I have been interested in for quite a while. When I first played it, it gave me such trouble that I had to stop playing. Now I can enjoy the lovely graphics and the gameplay just that much more. Again, thank you very much.
PoliteHat568 1 3月
i love it, but I would REALLY love it if there was an unlimited double jump cheat.
OrganicPurpose220 31 1月
The cheats make this game much less fresterating although in certain places where I needed to "bash" an enemy into a target the enemy would just die(especially those rolling mossy rock critters). I disabled the cheats during those encounters and it worked just fine. again thank you for these cheats it make it much more fun to play.
CheerfulPickle542 13 12月
Thank you! So much! At last I can progress without continually killing the poor little thing.
NovelAlligator77 15 10月
Tried without trainer got till the final place, got too frustrated due to trial and error mechanic and thankfully there is was trainer to assist :)
PrimeMountain87 14 10月
Thank you for this! Making sure my save was loaded before enabling these mods ensured that they worked flawlessly, including the attribute points (as long as I wasn't in any menus). This worked great, thanks again!
jonware01 6 6月
One of the best game soundtracks ever. Great game and now I get to play it without frustration!
WorthyProse73 20 4月
Personally, using only the Unlimited Energy cheat is a preferable way to play this game for me. :) It allows it to still be challenging without feeling so punishing that I wanted to quit - as I had before I found this mod.

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