Sifu Trainer、チート、マップ:

Trainer、チート、マップ: Steam, Epic Games, と Xbox

4.9/5 34K件のレビュー 100K+ 件のダウンロード 安全 VirusTotalスキャン済み 作成者:FLiNG
無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード ゴッドモード/ヒット無視を入手, 体力無制限 & その他12件のMod for Sifu with WeMod

Mod 14

  • ゴッドモード/ヒット無視
  • 体力無制限
  • 無限の防御
  • 無制限のフォーカス
  • 防御乗数
  • プレイヤースピードを設定
  • 年齢の編集
  • 死亡回数の編集
  • XPの編集
  • スコアの編集
  • 簡単防御破壊
  • 簡単に倒す
  • ダメージ乗数
  • ゲームスピードを設定
  • ゴッドモード/ヒット無視
  • 体力無制限
  • 無限の防御
  • 無制限のフォーカス
  • 防御乗数
  • プレイヤースピードを設定
  • ゲームスピードを設定
  • 年齢の編集
  • 死亡回数の編集
  • XPの編集
  • スコアの編集
  • 簡単防御破壊
  • 簡単に倒す
  • ダメージ乗数
  • ゴッドモード/ヒット無視
  • 体力無制限
  • 無限の防御
  • 無制限のフォーカス
  • 防御乗数
  • プレイヤースピードを設定
  • 年齢の編集
  • 死亡回数の編集
  • XPの編集
  • スコアの編集
  • 簡単防御破壊
  • 簡単に倒す
  • ダメージ乗数
  • ゲームスピードを設定
  • ゴッドモード/ヒット無視
  • 体力無制限
  • 無限の防御
  • 無制限のフォーカス
  • 防御乗数
  • プレイヤースピードを設定
  • 年齢の編集
  • 死亡回数の編集
  • XPの編集
  • スコアの編集
  • 簡単防御破壊
  • 簡単に倒す
  • ダメージ乗数
  • ゲームスピードを設定
SifuのMod&チートの概要 デモ動画プレビュー

これらのModはPC Game Passコレクション → の一部です。





無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード ゴッドモード/ヒット無視を入手, 体力無制限 & その他12件のMod for Sifu with WeMod








オン オフ 無限の体力 無限のスタミナ Modを切り替える



✓ Modが有効



コミュニティに加わってくれている世界中の何百万というゲーマーの方々のおかげで、WeModはいつでも安全で無料です。WeModは、WeMod Proサブスクリプション購入者によって支えられています。WeModについてのレビューをTrustpilotでご確認ください。



ProperQuill8728 18 2月
Ty This helped alot, I was 70 at the last lvl and I was to lazy to get a good enough age to beat the Sanctuary.
SuperLion5982 23 9月
To be honest, I just wanted to unlock all of the moves in sifu and this made it so much easier for me, thanks.
VCX81 10 8月
This is a great trainer that enhances the game play. This trainer alone is worth the subscription.
ToxicHorse329 28 3月
Amazing mod. I've had this game. And this website Wemod before. And I'm glad I came back to use this amazing trainer. Maybe this time. I will try to keep this app in the future
Pirate_King182 13 1月
I have using this trainer. This will ready for the time that I will not require my self to use it.
vandall2002 4 12月
I appreciate all you guys do. I really like this game just didn't really have the skillset to play it. Keep up the great work!
Thrilly101 13 4月
Thank you so Much for all the trainers you produce for us to enjoy these games the way the Gamer wants to enjoy. I am more than grateful for the time & Effort you put into these Trainers for us. I am more than Happy to pay the Annual Fee, It is WELL WELL WORTH IT!! Thank You Again.
AtomicSquirrel125 11 4月
after only a few minutes for me to figure out what I was doing, this mostly broken game was fixed. Really nice job. Really. Nice. Job!
OperatorXIII 10 9月
i beat the game like 16 times and wanted to finally get into modding. this app is freaking awesome ad works super well with the mods i installed!
RandomSquirrel364 1 8月
Awesome program! Sifu is worse than Elden Ring, this made it enjoyable and not a frustrating and irritating experiece. The amount of armor on mobs is ridiculous
SilverRail991 14 7月
No thanks i would rather not make any kind od public post but i did indeed have a sum of recreation
TKGJay 30 3月
This game is very fun but short. I don't really care about it being short because there is more to unlock after you beat it so you are forced to play over and over. The mod to the game is fun and I had a great time using it. Having a Saitama skin mod and these mods combined just makes it funner.
ManualPotato621 16 3月
Hey!This Work of yours is truly gave me happiness. I don't have the patience and skill to complete the game, but with this Work of yours truly help me and finally can Enjoy the game without being Killed and raging because of dying so much. thanks!
InnerBubble616 5 3月
yeah this mods are really good man. thanks a lot for putting your time and effort so i can have more fun playing this game. means a lot
InnerShade210 3 3月
Awesome trainer. Works very well. I just wanted to go through the game to enjoy the story and the mods, and this trainer is a tremendous help. Thank you
BraveSnake243 23 2月
bit more explanation on how changing the age and death count would be nice, but otherwise great for someone who's only ok at these kinds of games!
HorseLover1293 11 2月
I am pretty garbage at this game so this helps whenever a boss is dominating me too hard, 10/10 Kotaku should use this.
ModernFog925 11 2月
Amazing Job Bro No further Comments. No joke, the game is fun by itself. but with the cheats working perfectly, the action scene become so smooth. anyone who love action movies would love this
ElegantRabbit302 11 2月
its verry good and ez touse it and the best part its that is letting uss to play and use withoutpaying it.Thanks
superiorhacker179 11 2月
thanks for the trainer of sifu.I have been waiting to come the trainer for sifu thank you very much wemod and thanks to fling for creating this trainer :) :) :)

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