Wasteland 3 Trainer、チート、マップ:

Trainer、チート、マップ: Steam Xbox

4.9/5 34K件のレビュー 10K+ 件のダウンロード 安全 VirusTotalスキャン済み 作成者:STiNGERR
無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード ユニットの体力を100追加を入手, ユニットのアクションポイントを50追加 & その他10件のMod for Wasteland 3 with WeMod

Mod 12

  • ユニットの体力を100追加
  • ユニットのアクションポイントを50追加
  • スキルポイントを追加
  • スキルポイントを減少
  • 属性ポイントを追加
  • 属性ポイントを減少
  • パークポイントを追加
  • パークポイントを減少
  • 無制限のXP
  • 所持金 減らない
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 選択したユニットの体力を減少
  • ユニットの体力を100追加
  • ユニットのアクションポイントを50追加
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 選択したユニットの体力を減少
  • スキルポイントを追加
  • スキルポイントを減少
  • 属性ポイントを追加
  • 属性ポイントを減少
  • パークポイントを追加
  • パークポイントを減少
  • 無制限のXP
  • 所持金 減らない
  • ユニットの体力を100追加
  • ユニットのアクションポイントを50追加
  • スキルポイントを追加
  • スキルポイントを減少
  • 属性ポイントを追加
  • 属性ポイントを減少
  • パークポイントを追加
  • パークポイントを減少
  • 無制限のXP
  • 所持金 減らない
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 選択したユニットの体力を減少
  • ユニットの体力を100追加
  • ユニットのアクションポイントを50追加
  • スキルポイントを追加
  • スキルポイントを減少
  • 属性ポイントを追加
  • 属性ポイントを減少
  • パークポイントを追加
  • パークポイントを減少
  • 無制限のXP
  • 所持金 減らない
  • 無限の弾薬
  • 選択したユニットの体力を減少
WeModのModの概要 デモ動画プレビュー

これらのModはPC Game Passコレクション → の一部です。





無料ダウンロード はじめる 85MB Windows ...またはPCでWeModにアクセスしてアプリをダウンロード ユニットの体力を100追加を入手, ユニットのアクションポイントを50追加 & その他10件のMod for Wasteland 3 with WeMod








オン オフ 無限の体力 無限のスタミナ Modを切り替える



✓ Modが有効



コミュニティに加わってくれている世界中の何百万というゲーマーの方々のおかげで、WeModはいつでも安全で無料です。WeModは、WeMod Proサブスクリプション購入者によって支えられています。WeModについてのレビューをTrustpilotでご確認ください。

Wasteland 3でチートを使うにはどうすればよいですか?


GentlePencil599 6 8月
Thank you for the app, its a pain to play some of these old games without the assistants of mods.
R00sterMcB00ster 30 9月
Everything worked great. I was able to buff stats when I needed it and I avoided the dreaded grind while still being challenged.
TheDude1983 26 7月
Good stuff, I just wanted to respec due to the random chars added to the group and used the infinite money cheat, it helps a lot making the game more fun, cuz respec costs a but load of cash and you can't do much when getting a good preset char that kills your entire setup.
Silveressa 13 7月
Great trainer, glad to have a chance to customize my starting rangers with the skills and attribute I wanted.
MaxSpector 11 6月
Thanks so much for letting me have the ability to get beyond the slow grind of this game. I had shelved and discarded it after my first play, but after seeing it on the WeMod app I have revisited and this really makes it more fun to see what the story is. Now if I just had radiation resistance to so I could explore the whole map...thanks again!
Desynk 7 1月
Thanks; I played the GOG game version with the cheats for the Steam version and it worked just fine =) Awesome work!
ModestOven646 14 12月
This allows the gamer to play the game customized to the gamer. Easy to use, and so much fun! Use it how you wish. Life is good!
kedari1220 3 9月
Some of the cheats didn't work but you guys are so awesome that I went ahead and subscribed anyhow <3
Moltox 20 8月
At a certain point there are no need to Wemod. But you will probable still wemod. Love it. but. there is always a but. Thanks I loved it. Love it? The but is I didnt know this was for the DEVs. Ah you guys know u got it. And again . Awesome thanks. great fun. I would hate see how long it would have taken to use wemod. I used it minimally. I guess. But without. OMG, how many ppl give up and dont enjoy the game, the story line per say. Than.............
Bloodline_Spike0007 24 7月
I was having trouble accessing the cheats for a while,however as I continue to play,the cheats caused lets cheats the moment I left the tutorial level.I am enjoy so far
Joe69Player 22 7月
Thx for providing all those nice cheats. I would really consider buying wemod, if there were a somewhat cheaper option.
Moltox 5 7月
nothing to say. yet. first load after buying and download. gimme a game minute. dont post if ya can control this. ive yet to see anything. this just popped up.
HonestLaptop641 3 7月
Thank ya much. Even after a game update everything is working for me, well everything I have needed which was just to add a few attribute and skill points to fix my derpy first build.
PsychoSamurai187 2 7月
I only use this for the 2 starting characters to make them something like veteran Rangers, and it works great
TalentedYam652 29 6月
Thanks for the functional trainer. It's well-designed and the monetization doesn't break its functionality.
Lyrch75 16 4月
Too many WeMod devs map their functions to keys that games use. This dev did not, allowing full gameplay function, using only keys.
damneatoa 16 4月
WeMod made all the difference between a game I really wanted to play and enjoy being fun or not. Just as a personal thing, I disagree with game developers on what rules they think make the game good; WeMod enabled me to re-write those rules to and create a much better experience playing by my own rules, just a few tweaks here and there. Thank you sincerely for making the entire universe a better place to live in.
Darnlo 25 2月
It works, though it would be nice to add certain amounts of EXP instead of just all of it at once. Or maybe add a level at a time.
OAFancy 18 2月
very impressive, firstly, I thought you have to pay for the cheat, then I found that the hotkey is usable, so great
Void_Hunter91 14 2月
WeMod is awesome. I never knew that there was anything besides cheat engine. Personally I thing this is far better and simple to use. Thank you all for all your hard work.

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