
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak 트레이너 및 모드

다음에 대한 트레이너 및 모드 Steam Epic Games

4.9/5 33K개 리뷰 10K+ 다운로드 안전 VirusTotal 스캔됨 MrAntiFun 제작
무료 다운로드 시작하기 85MB Windows ...또는 PC에서 WeMod를 방문해 앱을 다운로드할 수도 있습니다 무한 체력 받기, 무한 자원 & 5개의 다른 모드 for Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak with WeMod

모드 7

플레이어 모드
  • 무한 체력
  • 무한 자원
  • 무제한 유닛
  • 빠른 연구
  • 빠른 생산
  • 무제한 에너지
  • 과열 없음
플레이어 모드
  • 무한 체력
  • 무한 자원
  • 무제한 유닛
  • 빠른 연구
  • 빠른 생산
  • 무제한 에너지
  • 과열 없음
플레이어 모드
  • 무한 체력
  • 무한 자원
  • 무제한 유닛
  • 빠른 연구
  • 빠른 생산
  • 무제한 에너지
  • 과열 없음
플레이어 모드
  • 무한 체력
  • 무한 자원
  • 무제한 유닛
  • 빠른 연구
  • 빠른 생산
  • 무제한 에너지
  • 과열 없음
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WeMod3000+개의 게임의 모드 및 치트에 대한 #1 앱입니다.

무료 다운로드 시작하기 85MB Windows ...또는 PC에서 WeMod를 방문해 앱을 다운로드할 수도 있습니다 무한 체력 받기, 무한 자원 & 5개의 다른 모드 for Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak with WeMod
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WeMod는 항상 안전하게 무료로 이용할 수 있으며 전 세계 수백만 명의 게이머로 구성된 커뮤니티를 보유하고 있습니다. WeMod는 WeMod Pro 구독자의 지원으로 운영됩니다. Trustpilot에서 리뷰를 확인해 보세요.

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak에서 치트를 사용하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
WeMod는 PC의 모든 게임을 표시합니다. 목록에서 게임을 선택하고 플레이를 누르세요. 게임을 시작하면 다양한 치트를 활성화할 수 있습니다!
모드가 제 게임 버전과 호환될까요?
WeMod는 고급 기술로 실행 중인 게임 버전을 탐지하고 모드 지원 여부를 표시합니다. 모드가 지원되지 않는다면 모드를 테스트해보거나 업데이트를 요청할 수 있습니다!


SolarWindow794 19 2월
omg that was amazing, i was genuinly displeased with how boring my game got but once i got through the setup process that was pretty quick, i was blown away that it worked
sswheels1904 11 2월
works great did not test all options but the ones I used worked well.
dude the steam trainer works on the epic, place game exe then just start the game and start the trainer once you are inside the game
Lightfootlee 31 8월
even though there were no mods for the epic platform if you copy the exe file over they work just fine I used unlimited health and no over heating for this session
CleverWorm654 29 8월
Amazing!! Everything Works and it is a blast to play. I dont have alot of tie for games orI am exhuasted when I get home. IT is not how the game is ment to be played and I sometimes feel that, but with this MOD I am able to tailor what I love about the game I play while keeping the otehr parts that I need more brain power for at min so I can truly have a fun experince.
Milomark_Revell 26 11월
Thank you very much. Wanted to test the enemy AI to see if it is any good with the help of some of these mods
FatalSteel 24 11월
Love this program! It's been by far the best mod menu I've ever used. You guys are amazing! <3
IdealSheep896 6 11월
Thank you so much. I understand that game developers make levels difficult to beat in order to make the win that much more fun. However, I think we can all say that we've played levels where it turned into more of chore to play rather than fun. WeMod gave me that amazing feeling without having to replay over and over trying to harvest resources. You guys are amazing!
OverFiend666 28 9월
First time iv ever used a trainer, its fantastic. play my solo games iv been struggling with to give me a bit of a hand after a hard days work. thanks to the devs and community.
PositiveRiddle851 8 6월
I wish there was something I could do to show my appreciation for this program. I can't believe I had never heard of this before. Great work all ! ~Mu
HappyGiraffe540 26 3월
thank you, i really enjoy rts games but sometimes find them difficult to progress through, and this helps me out immensely.
RoyalPickle548 12 2월
I greatly appreciate any and all everyone does with these cheats. Let's me enjoy the story freely and I can go back later without the cheats for the gameplay later.
SplendidStick235 9 1월
Thanks! I use this in the final mission. It's cheating but hey, the AI it's cheating to in that level. :)
Truly_Rudly 30 12월
Getting to focus on the combat more than usual was a lot of fun, thanks a bunch!
GentleYam281 13 6월
typical of the home world games the dynamic ai cheats. after a few play throughs it was fun to get revenge
FamousBanana713 11 6월
Love pulling this on my friends (Not open lobby, I swear by singleplayer)
SolarGrass675 6 6월
really helps with the game when you are in a tight spot and need extra stuff.
ImplicitTiger191 3 6월
i really suck at RTS games but enjoy some ofthe stories so i really appreciate these cheats being available.
FuManchu 2 6월
always nice. great job from the teams working very hard for the members.
EwwDavid 10 3월
I know it's not the newest game, but it's one of my favorites...thank you for your work on this!
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