
Papers, Please 트레이너 및 모드

다음에 대한 트레이너 및 모드 Steam

4.9/5 33K개 리뷰 10K+ 다운로드 안전 VirusTotal 스캔됨 STiNGERR 제작
무료 다운로드 시작하기 85MB Windows ...또는 PC에서 WeMod를 방문해 앱을 다운로드할 수도 있습니다 시간 정지 받기, 무한 스태미너 for Papers, Please with WeMod

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Papers, Please 모드 & 치트 개요 데모 동영상 미리보기

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WeMod 다운로드

WeMod3000+개의 게임의 모드 및 치트에 대한 #1 앱입니다.

무료 다운로드 시작하기 85MB Windows ...또는 PC에서 WeMod를 방문해 앱을 다운로드할 수도 있습니다 시간 정지 받기, 무한 스태미너 for Papers, Please with WeMod
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WeMod는 항상 안전하게 무료로 이용할 수 있으며 전 세계 수백만 명의 게이머로 구성된 커뮤니티를 보유하고 있습니다. WeMod는 WeMod Pro 구독자의 지원으로 운영됩니다. Trustpilot에서 리뷰를 확인해 보세요.

Papers, Please에서 치트를 사용하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
WeMod는 PC의 모든 게임을 표시합니다. 목록에서 게임을 선택하고 플레이를 누르세요. 게임을 시작하면 다양한 치트를 활성화할 수 있습니다!
모드가 제 게임 버전과 호환될까요?
WeMod는 고급 기술로 실행 중인 게임 버전을 탐지하고 모드 지원 여부를 표시합니다. 모드가 지원되지 않는다면 모드를 테스트해보거나 업데이트를 요청할 수 있습니다!


RavenTheGreat 15 1월
really helps out when they throw too much stuff at you making you waste more time to find out
TilloBillo 13 12월
Very fun to use with mods, it something I've wanted to dom for a while now.
Winkeldorf 11 8월
useful tool so i'm not super stressed out about the time crunch while trying to properly ID a person at the checkpoint. 10/10
campaigntrail 27 7월
works well, only isue i had was once when i toggled, all the people in line disapeared
TropicalPopcorn103 10 7월
thanks its a really useful mod i am always slow in papers please but with this i have a lot of time i really cant thank you enough
Orang3Robot 3 7월
Thanks this really helps me play well, I'm slow at responses and this helps me play this game with the fast timer.
sirskimask 1 1월
great mod had a lot of fun playing with this but could you also add a +10 credits modas well
IntenseModder585 28 5월
Allowed me to get more work money. Very useful, Glory to Arstotzka!
KellentheMelon 15 5월
Got a lot of glitches, probably because of my version but I am able to make it work
FreshMarble106 23 1월
This is really helpful and super useful but I feel like you could add some more things I don't know what but I just feel like this has more potential
Tacoman124 17 1월
it is great if you want to take your time on each person
FamousWaffle905 25 11월
thank you for this fun way to play games after beating them.
InstantCoder859 6 8월
Works well, but had to grind the first day to save up money. Could do with a money cheat.
Flipppppppppper 3 6월
if you could, you can let me get monny by pressing a button in the game lol
Kinder232 18 5월
Thanks for allowing me play how i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant!
ClockworkWXVII 13 5월
I've wanted to be able to play through all the different endings this game has to offer for a long time, and I had no idea a trainer had been made for it. Even though the only tweak is freezing time, that tweak alone is more than enough for this game!
HonestMountain574 8 5월
Its really good thanks for this perfect mod, but you need to add easy salary so i can actually get lots of money hopeu will see this :)))
oerthetop 3 3월
Neat fun game but just too repetitive for my taste.
Kai-ichinose 19 2월
so much easier when trying to figure out the mechanics that they add later on as well as making more money easier in day one allowing you to get 100 200 passports done if your mind dosnt melt
Samurai_Satin76 10 2월
it is useful when trying to read the letter they send you at the start of your shift and helps me save time and not mess up
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