It was really great! Although, Pizza Face automatically kills you with invincibility.
I SUCK at this game and i was able to impress my friends with my scores ty
i loved it so much i killed all the bosses to get p ranks on every one but i don't have fake peppino yet
thanks so much!!!! This helped me defeat every boss in pizza tower without breaking a sweat
It was really efficient and useful, I would recommend for anyone having trouble with pizza tower, I was trying it out to see if it was good and It was.
this is actually so useful cause i was able to get s rank and p rank o bosses in pizza tower
Love playing Pizza Tower with this app! Thanks for making this moddable.
It was awesome I can S rank a level just by adding points!!!
game speed only speeds up the animations for treasure, 10 score toppings, and combo meter, but the invincibility without debug is pretty rad
thanks but make it so that you cant lose to pizza face with invincibility
Great for getting through annoying ass stuff like the flying hooks in Fun Farm
very good but make one where pizza face is slow or just cant kill u
It was really fun. Thank you for making this. With love and support.
thanks for the update but sadly the halloween event is ended :(
it was a meh because getting a P rank is very hard but the invincibility allows me to avoid getting hit and the score allows me to get a easy S rank haven't tried upping the speed
it was good but if you can add like a noclip thing that would have been better
it was okay btw make the devloper console a option and make the invincabllity work in bosses because there is a debug command that does that
i can use pizza oven wheal useing this aswhel so i get 2 mods in on
Noice,hey dev of mod,i think you should add some things like the rank.
nice i was trying to beat pepperman but failed so i go this and won it
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