The Steam mod also works for Epic. All is good for now! :)
The mods were so fun! even when i had them disabled, i felt happy because i atleast know they are there!
Love that I can tailer the experience without going overboard!
worked nicely but would like the ability to stop the timer.
Thanks so much for making this Mod! As a old school gamer I appreciate the extra help while I am learning a game. Thanks again!
Thanks Dev. I do wish their was a shift timer stop though. Have good day.
wish there was a toggle for infinite timer or timer extension. good mod tho
Thank you! Your work helped me to play the game the way I wanted to!
Functioned well!, however I wish I was able to give myself credits for upgrades.
were all good here in the space hole, all parts working........lol
Makes it so you can enjoy the game like freeplay in story
still need more time...its the game side thats needs more work..just have too wait it out.
Thank you so much still a good game and time killer. Hope we get a update for LT soon thank you again^^
Everything seems to be working great... thanks for the cheats!
they still work but got a few sound glitches that went oway
It still works. Would be better if you could add an infinite demo charges cheat.
all cheats worked fine, some issues if left open in the menus, but that was my mistake
All of the cheats appear to still be working. i can't be sure of the oxygen as i didn't use it.
Works great except the unlimited teathers stops you from having any at the start of levels. You have to buy some then you will have unlimited teathers.
I just tested it and all the cheats work with the current update.
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