
Fallout 4修改器和秘籍

修改器和秘籍: Steam Xbox

4.9/5 34K 条评论 100K+ 次下载 安全 已经过 VirusTotal 扫描 作者:MrAntiFun
免费下载 开始使用 85MB Windows ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载无限生命, 无限AP & 其他 14 项修改 for Fallout 4 with WeMod

修改功能 16

  • 无限生命
  • 无限AP
  • 无辐射
  • 冻结定居点大小
  • 超级速度
  • 无限重量
  • 编辑黄金
  • 簪子不破
  • 无限属性点
  • 超级经验
  • 无限弹药
  • 无需装弹
  • 无后坐力
  • 简易终端黑客
  • 免费制作
  • 飞行模式
  • 无限生命
  • 无限AP
  • 无辐射
  • 冻结定居点大小
  • 超级速度
  • 无限弹药
  • 无需装弹
  • 无后坐力
  • 无限重量
  • 编辑黄金
  • 簪子不破
  • 无限属性点
  • 超级经验
  • 简易终端黑客
  • 免费制作
  • 飞行模式
  • 无限生命
  • 无限AP
  • 无辐射
  • 冻结定居点大小
  • 超级速度
  • 飞行模式
  • 无限重量
  • 编辑黄金
  • 簪子不破
  • 简易终端黑客
  • 免费制作
  • 无限属性点
  • 超级经验
  • 无限弹药
  • 无需装弹
  • 无后坐力
  • 无限生命
  • 无限AP
  • 无辐射
  • 冻结定居点大小
  • 超级速度
  • 无限重量
  • 编辑黄金
  • 簪子不破
  • 飞行模式
  • 无限属性点
  • 超级经验
  • 简易终端黑客
  • 免费制作
  • 无限弹药
  • 无需装弹
  • 无后坐力
Fallout 4 修改与秘籍概览 演示视频

这些修改器是我们PC Game Pass collection → 的一部分。


第 1 步

下载 WeMod

WeMod 是一款好评如潮的游戏修改应用,支持超过 3000 款游戏

免费下载 开始使用 85MB Windows ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载无限生命, 无限AP & 其他 14 项修改 for Fallout 4 with WeMod

第 2 步

在 WeMod 中打开游戏



第 3 步



无限血量 无限耐力 切换开关

第 4 步


✓ 已开启修改


WeMod 让你安全地掌控自己的游戏体验

WeMod 致力于服务全球数百万玩家,坚守安全和免费原则是我们对用户社区的承诺。我们不断发展壮大,离不开 WeMod Pro 会员的支持。我们在 Trustpilot 上的用户评价就是最有力的证明。

如何在 Fallout 4 中使用修改器?
WeMod 会安全地扫描并显示你的 PC 上已安装的所有游戏。只需从列表中选择一款游戏并点击“开始游戏”,即可快速启动游戏。当游戏完成加载并进入游戏画面后,你就可以开启各种修改了!
WeMod 还能使用先进技术自动检测你的游戏版本,并告知你该游戏是否支持修改。如果暂无修改,你可以选择直接进入游戏或提交制作申请!


Pugspro 19 1月
I enjoy how many options there are, im currently very early game so i have only been using inf stamina but i do appreciate how much control it gives you! very well done
Randog025 12 6月
You'll probably never read this, too busy, but just in case you can, thanks for the first time ever using cheats that were available with Wemod, it was as Robin William would say in "JACK" it was "Hecka Cool!"
RetroBoomer3197 13 4月
Thanks for the hard work in making the mod, but I can't figure out how to use the "fly mode". Whenever I try I'm just instantly blip into the sky and start falling. I can't fly around or anything. There's no clear instructions on how to make it work, it just says it won't work if I have "super speed on" at the same time.
Nos4atu350 8 4月
Mods worked great, Thanks. Although... one to help with the rediculous bullet sponges in this game would be awesome. I mean 3-5 shots to the face with a shotgun. C'mon Man!!!
alextmn05 21 1月
GOOOD GOOD Good job, young one. Your efforts are commendable, and you have proven yourself worthy of my acknowledgment. "The foorce is strooOoong with you a powerful sith Lord you will become" "henceforth you shall be known as Darth " Darth WeMod lol Yes, I’m very happy with the performance of this software and also I wanted to express it in a funny way. That’s why all this fanciness.
Zuskato 8 7月
Amazing mods in here, although for the Free Crafting mod worked the same as the Unlimited Ammo mod instead of allowing to craft things for free. Apart from that, it works great the rest.
FinalDeer338 19 5月
I love this mod. Works so well! My only criticism is that could you please update it? I keep getting notifs about how it's outdated. Also, repairing and modding stuff in workbenches isn't infinite. If you could please change that.
GalaxySiege 23 9月
Very helpful. I always thought mods were shady for games but Wemod is the perfect solution for that because it is completly safe and supports so many games! Would love to see collection of games grow in the future so that I can play every game I own but currently it supports a lot.
DaddyPrime 22 8月
Yo thanks, Huge help saving time doing things. Love it. If your reading this and don't have pro membership highly recommend. Love using my phone to activate the mods.
Psykokud 23 5月
Mods worked on the Windows Store version, you do need to click play on the Fallout 4 launcher quickly otherwise it will not connect to wemod properly. Make sure options are set to your liking before launching
AmbitiousMitten34 19 4月
Fallout4-wemodded is simple, relevant, and does everything except play the game for you. I used a few toggles, enough to get on my feet. Works better than expected!
drakkor 13 3月
A bit confusing to use, but they works. Although at some point I had "no reload", even without using the cheat. So probably another cheat enabled that one as well ?...
LiquidCheese424 5 3月
I have tried and failed to commit to a full run through of this game several times now. Seeing that i can play around with cheats a bit has encouraged me to give it another shot. Thanks bruv ;)
Rameth 26 2月
This mod is great especially if you are returning and have lost your complete save where your lvl 673 and maxed to the brim i wish to see more mods like this on more games they are really great. Thank you.
ModestDog172 22 2月
have always enjoyed wemod and the trainers on here work wonderfully especially this one without it idk that i would play the game still since i have beaten so many times already but between mods and this trainer for fallout 4 it works out great
steelyglint 19 2月
Thank Vault Tec for the WeMod Fallout 4 trainer, without which my character would be weaker, poorer, less experienced, and almost continually deceased. Sometimes it really is more fun being a god. .
OriginXSeeker 18 2月
Thank you! Having a hard time trying to find a certain amount of item in this game. This trainer have solve that problems. Hoping the trainer will still improve with duplication item freeze when it got more than 2 of the same items.
AmpleBee792 18 2月
yea it was good worked well but flying is weird and i personaly think it is not great (the flying) as it just teleports you up so can you make the flying no clip flying not teleported flying in the air thanks
Crusader_Reborn 17 2月
amazing fun for finally playing fallout 4 on PC after years playing the basic game on console being able to get the x-01 power armour right at the start was just amazing for joining the brother hood of steel
KindPencil20 17 2月
Awesome cheats, always good when you play through it the 400th time. The only thing that i would like additionally would be the ability to craft items and not only bases without needing the items...so many mods to use hehe

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