
Total War: SHOGUN 2修改器和秘籍

修改器和秘籍: Steam

4.9/5 34K 条评论 100K+ 次下载 安全 已经过 VirusTotal 扫描 作者:STiNGERR
免费下载 开始使用 85MB Windows ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载恢复军队规模, 设置部队规模 & 其他 9 项修改 for Total War: SHOGUN 2 with WeMod

修改功能 11

  • 恢复军队规模
  • 设置部队规模
  • 无限金币
  • 无限移动
  • 增加技能点
  • 无限弹药
  • 轻松赢得战斗
  • 快速研究
  • 快速招募
  • 快速建造
  • 禁用所有模组
  • 恢复军队规模
  • 设置部队规模
  • 无限金币
  • 无限移动
  • 增加技能点
  • 无限弹药
  • 轻松赢得战斗
  • 快速研究
  • 快速招募
  • 快速建造
  • 禁用所有模组
  • 恢复军队规模
  • 设置部队规模
  • 无限金币
  • 无限移动
  • 增加技能点
  • 轻松赢得战斗
  • 无限弹药
  • 快速研究
  • 快速招募
  • 快速建造
  • 禁用所有模组
  • 恢复军队规模
  • 设置部队规模
  • 无限金币
  • 无限移动
  • 增加技能点
  • 快速研究
  • 快速招募
  • 快速建造
  • 禁用所有模组
  • 无限弹药
  • 轻松赢得战斗
WeMod 介绍
WeMod 修改功能简介 演示视频


第 1 步

下载 WeMod

WeMod 是一款好评如潮的游戏修改应用,支持超过 3000 款游戏

免费下载 开始使用 85MB Windows ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载恢复军队规模, 设置部队规模 & 其他 9 项修改 for Total War: SHOGUN 2 with WeMod

第 2 步

在 WeMod 中打开游戏



第 3 步



无限血量 无限耐力 切换开关

第 4 步


✓ 已开启修改


WeMod 让你安全地掌控自己的游戏体验

WeMod 致力于服务全球数百万玩家,坚守安全和免费原则是我们对用户社区的承诺。我们不断发展壮大,离不开 WeMod Pro 会员的支持。我们在 Trustpilot 上的用户评价就是最有力的证明。

如何在 Total War: SHOGUN 2 中使用修改器?
WeMod 会安全地扫描并显示你的 PC 上已安装的所有游戏。只需从列表中选择一款游戏并点击“开始游戏”,即可快速启动游戏。当游戏完成加载并进入游戏画面后,你就可以开启各种修改了!
WeMod 还能使用先进技术自动检测你的游戏版本,并告知你该游戏是否支持修改。如果暂无修改,你可以选择直接进入游戏或提交制作申请!


jumpdummy 1 4月
At one time Wemod was the only way to advance the with some updates that disappeared. Now everything is back to normal. Thanks
Otto99 15 1月
I'm new at this trainer, but once I got the knack, I found it useful in making the game more enjoyable. I don't really have the time to play and restart a new game when I know I've lost a campaign so I thank for creating this trainer and making many aspects of it available and free to use. It's gotten me out of many binds. It is very much appreciated.
Shezza1854 29 11月
The mods I have put in are working well, thank you kindly. The only thing I would like is a way to play Shogun using a controller for my mouse refuses to do what I ask it to do. In my view, this would make for smoother game play. Again, thank you kindly!
IcyTomato848 25 11月
thank you for the mods made my game super fun but i was wondering if you can change the recover troop size so that i get my full army after i have been in a battle rather than moving around after a battle.
Zetsoumei44 19 11月
Works brilliantly for one of my favorite older games of all time. Thanks so much for all your work on this and other trainers!!!!!
AbsoluteFog850 1 11月
Thank you for WeMod. I get to experience legendary gameplays without the usual frustration of being over powered by the PC
FinalParcel398 15 7月
All worked perfect, only thing id say is that the Agents dont get the unlimited movement, everyone else does though so its not too much to grudge. Great Work though.
AtomicPotato460 31 5月
Very fun to have! Has made battles a lot more stress-free since AI loves to somehow counter everything I do! I only hope in the future that there is a mod for unlimited food supply.
ExtremeLeaf101 28 9月
I love WeMod. It gives me the Freedom to explore and play dated games while giving me the freedom to workshop, mitigate, or entirely skip the frustrating archaic mechanics common to older videogames.
Walez 3 9月
works pretty well, glad this was a good alternative than downloading mods on workshop, they usually never work or are bugged.
WildZipper774 21 5月
Thank you for taking the time to do this, I know you work hard and we all appreciate this. I know this is a little hollow but there it is... keep up the good work
MoralCoat807 19 1月
Thank you, this really help me to learn the game mechanics so I can play properly (without cheat) in the future. I hope you'll make more feature for this cheat like increase unit experience (ranks) and also skill points for ninja or maybe force the npc to accept proposed trade deal.
ExpertZipper123 28 10月
All mods worked well, no complaints at all. Works for the Rise of the Samurai DLC as well, haven't tried Fall of the Samurai.
SuperEngine464 10 8月
Super dope, THOUSANDS of Oda ashigaru infantry were unleashed. LOVED IT Lol That and claiming Kyoto with just one kyushi ninja unit was entertaining.
Drestes5820 10 8月
Haven't been able to find any cheats or any good exploits for this game! Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity for me to be able to enjoy this game much more!!!
Alieneatingpizza 19 7月
Dont know if its possible, but maybe adding a money modifier similar to total warhammer 2. Other then that its really good
Deviouz1 9 5月
Can confirm it at least mostly works. haven't fully tested, but it did what i wanted. :) Little weird as to how to load it though. it's the only one i have used that needs the game running before you run the wemod hacks. not really a big deal, just weid.
CalmParcel435 29 4月
The way to start it for SHogun 2 was different than others but it was super simple and worked. I just used the gold and tech speed up options
Nielia 25 2月
its a lot offun but when you add skillpoints you can only add on the diamyo, generals not the agents, maybe on the nextupdate on this cheats is to fix the problem great work.
LivelyAcorn671 24 2月
thank you so much, i have a difficulty in playing the campaigns because of my mental disability but because of this mod, you have given me a fighting chance to unite japan in sengoku jidai

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