Cyberpunk 2077 Trainers y mods

Trainers y mods para Steam, GOG, y Epic Games

4.9/5 34K reseñas 100K+ descargas Seguro VirusTotal escaneado por FLiNG
Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Salud Ilimitada, Recargar Salud & 51 otros mods for Cyberpunk 2077 with WeMod

Mods 53

Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Recargar Salud
  • Tasa de regeneración de salud
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Stamina Regeneration Rate
  • Tasa de consumo de resistencia %
  • RAM ilimitada
  • Recargar RAM
  • Tasa de regeneración de RAM
  • Tasa de Consumo de RAM %
  • Modo Sigilo
  • Editar Peso Máximo de Carga
  • Establecer Velocidad de Movimiento
  • Super Salto
  • Salto Doble Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Defensa
Mods de Inventario
  • Artículos/Munición Ilimitados
  • Los artículos no disminuirán
  • Artículos de curación sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Granadas sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Projectile Launch System No Cooldown
  • Editar Dinero
  • Componentes ilimitados
  • Componentes de Quickhack Ilimitados
Mods de Estadísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de XP
  • Street Cred Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Street Cred
  • Progresión Máxima de Habilidad
  • Multiplicador de Progresión de Habilidad
  • Editar Puntos de Atributo
  • Editar Puntos de Ventaja
  • Editar Puntos de Reliquia
  • Editar Nivel del Jugador
  • Editar Nivel de Cred Callejero
  • Ignorar Capacidad de Cyberware
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Cazador de Cabezas
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Netrunner
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Shinobi
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Solo
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Ingeniero
Mods de Armas
  • Sin Recargar
  • Super Precisión
  • Sin Retroceso
Mods de Enemigos
  • Matar de un solo disparo
  • Multiplicador de daños
Mods de Juego
  • Congelar Temporizador de Protocolo de Intrusión
  • Congelar Día
  • Día +1 Hora
  • Establecer Velocidad del Juego
Mods de Física
  • Activar Modo de Vuelo
  • Establecer Altura de Vuelo
  • Establecer Velocidad de Vuelo
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Recargar Salud
  • Tasa de regeneración de salud
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Stamina Regeneration Rate
  • Tasa de consumo de resistencia %
  • RAM ilimitada
  • Recargar RAM
  • Tasa de regeneración de RAM
  • Tasa de Consumo de RAM %
  • Modo Sigilo
  • Editar Peso Máximo de Carga
  • Establecer Velocidad de Movimiento
  • Super Salto
  • Salto Doble Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Defensa
Mods de Armas
  • Sin Recargar
  • Super Precisión
  • Sin Retroceso
Mods de Enemigos
  • Matar de un solo disparo
  • Multiplicador de daños
Mods de Juego
  • Congelar Temporizador de Protocolo de Intrusión
  • Congelar Día
  • Día +1 Hora
  • Establecer Velocidad del Juego
Mods de Física
  • Activar Modo de Vuelo
  • Establecer Altura de Vuelo
  • Establecer Velocidad de Vuelo
Mods de Inventario
  • Artículos/Munición Ilimitados
  • Los artículos no disminuirán
  • Artículos de curación sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Granadas sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Projectile Launch System No Cooldown
  • Editar Dinero
  • Componentes ilimitados
  • Componentes de Quickhack Ilimitados
Mods de Estadísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de XP
  • Street Cred Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Street Cred
  • Progresión Máxima de Habilidad
  • Multiplicador de Progresión de Habilidad
  • Editar Puntos de Atributo
  • Editar Puntos de Ventaja
  • Editar Puntos de Reliquia
  • Editar Nivel del Jugador
  • Editar Nivel de Cred Callejero
  • Ignorar Capacidad de Cyberware
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Cazador de Cabezas
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Netrunner
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Shinobi
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Solo
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Ingeniero
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Recargar Salud
  • Tasa de regeneración de salud
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Stamina Regeneration Rate
  • Tasa de consumo de resistencia %
  • RAM ilimitada
  • Recargar RAM
  • Tasa de regeneración de RAM
  • Tasa de Consumo de RAM %
  • Modo Sigilo
  • Editar Peso Máximo de Carga
  • Establecer Velocidad de Movimiento
  • Super Salto
  • Salto Doble Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Defensa
Mods de Física
  • Activar Modo de Vuelo
  • Establecer Altura de Vuelo
  • Establecer Velocidad de Vuelo
Mods de Inventario
  • Artículos/Munición Ilimitados
  • Los artículos no disminuirán
  • Artículos de curación sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Granadas sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Projectile Launch System No Cooldown
  • Editar Dinero
  • Componentes ilimitados
  • Componentes de Quickhack Ilimitados
Mods de Armas
  • Sin Recargar
  • Super Precisión
  • Sin Retroceso
Mods de Enemigos
  • Matar de un solo disparo
  • Multiplicador de daños
Mods de Juego
  • Congelar Temporizador de Protocolo de Intrusión
  • Congelar Día
  • Día +1 Hora
  • Establecer Velocidad del Juego
Mods de Estadísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de XP
  • Street Cred Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Street Cred
  • Progresión Máxima de Habilidad
  • Multiplicador de Progresión de Habilidad
  • Editar Puntos de Atributo
  • Editar Puntos de Ventaja
  • Editar Puntos de Reliquia
  • Editar Nivel del Jugador
  • Editar Nivel de Cred Callejero
  • Ignorar Capacidad de Cyberware
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Cazador de Cabezas
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Netrunner
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Shinobi
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Solo
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Ingeniero
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Recargar Salud
  • Tasa de regeneración de salud
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Stamina Regeneration Rate
  • Tasa de consumo de resistencia %
  • RAM ilimitada
  • Recargar RAM
  • Tasa de regeneración de RAM
  • Tasa de Consumo de RAM %
  • Modo Sigilo
  • Editar Peso Máximo de Carga
  • Establecer Velocidad de Movimiento
  • Super Salto
  • Salto Doble Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Defensa
Mods de Inventario
  • Artículos/Munición Ilimitados
  • Los artículos no disminuirán
  • Artículos de curación sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Granadas sin tiempo de reutilización
  • Projectile Launch System No Cooldown
  • Editar Dinero
  • Componentes ilimitados
  • Componentes de Quickhack Ilimitados
Mods de Física
  • Activar Modo de Vuelo
  • Establecer Altura de Vuelo
  • Establecer Velocidad de Vuelo
Mods de Estadísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de XP
  • Street Cred Ilimitado
  • Multiplicador de Street Cred
  • Progresión Máxima de Habilidad
  • Multiplicador de Progresión de Habilidad
  • Editar Puntos de Atributo
  • Editar Puntos de Ventaja
  • Editar Puntos de Reliquia
  • Editar Nivel del Jugador
  • Editar Nivel de Cred Callejero
  • Ignorar Capacidad de Cyberware
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Cazador de Cabezas
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Netrunner
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Shinobi
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Solo
  • Editar Nivel de Habilidad de Ingeniero
Mods de Armas
  • Sin Recargar
  • Super Precisión
  • Sin Retroceso
Mods de Enemigos
  • Matar de un solo disparo
  • Multiplicador de daños
Mods de Juego
  • Congelar Temporizador de Protocolo de Intrusión
  • Congelar Día
  • Día +1 Hora
  • Establecer Velocidad del Juego
Video de Gameplay de Mod
Resumen de mods y cheats de Cyberpunk 2077 Vista previa de la demo

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Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Salud Ilimitada, Recargar Salud & 51 otros mods for Cyberpunk 2077 with WeMod
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¿Cómo puedo usar las trampas para Cyberpunk 2077?
WeMod mostrará todos los juegos en tu PC de forma segura. Abre un juego de la lista y simplemente pulsa jugar. Cuando el juego se haya cargado y estés in-game, podrás empezar a activar las diferentes trampas.
¿Funcionará esto con mi versión del juego?
WeMod utiliza tecnología avanzada para detectar la versión del juego que tienes y te informará si es compatible. Si no es así, todavía tendrás la opción de probarlo o solicitar una actualización.


SushiDushi 3 mar.
I rarely submit to any subscriptions, but WeMod is probably the best modding engine for playing any of your favorite single player games, it gives you the freedom to turn on and off features and tweak inbetween the lines. This I value most as I can balance my gameplay to not be too overpowered, but have just enough kick to make my gameplay more enjoyable. I also use WeMod to test games for mod developing.
POWerSUrgeSW3 27 feb.
Without WeMod I do not think I would have liked this game as much. Because if you really want to explore, and still be able to keep a job or sanity, this is the way to do it. I used to like spending 100 hours playing a game for the action and thrill, now I enjoy the story with exploration at almost 200 hours thanks to WeMod!
Yoldin_Centurian 31 oct.
I have used other mods before where they were clunky, confusing to use, and most importantly, they caused the games I were playing to crash. There was a lot of hesitation in paying for WeMod. But now I am glad that I did! It is easy to use, understand, and figure out! Awesome!
POWerSUrgeSW3 8 oct.
This has let me go back and enjoy doing all the side gigs/missions before starting the storyline. I feel like I'm really able to take the game at my own pace, and get into the real world by taking my time to find all the pads to read and explore more than just what the story tells
Moultronn 6 oct.
I love using WeMod in single player games. It allows me to play my way without disabling achievements or causing any issues. I just boot it up with WeMod, give myself what I need or want and I'm done. Quick and easy. For Cyberpunk I gave myself 19 Att. 19 Skill points, now I can fully cap out all attributes and play unrestricted. Highly Recommend.
ICBUDI 29 sep.
Thanks for making this trainer, it's so much easier than downloading mods to get a New Game plus kinda feels while coming back to this game after already finishing so many playthroughs. Sometimes you just want to play with all the shiny new toys, which makes it trivial to do.
SmoothGoldfish603 25 sep.
You've made this game even more fun! I beat this game 4 times already without mods, but I wanted to play it again with the updates and phantom liberty. However, I have very limited time so it was nice to be able to accelerate crafting and buying cars/houses lol. Other than that, I didn't use anything else. I did try 1 time using unlimited health to see what Maxtac could do. I recommend these mods for anyone trying to accelerate a few parts of the game or just trying something for fun like raining down maxtac on you lol
Angel0fdeath300 6 ago.
Personally I do like this mod, but a way to make it better is to be able to freely edit the attributes. I have played Cyberpunk on console with 6 different builds. Having a way to overcome this would be very much appreciated. Overall this is a simple and efficient way to enjoy the game to your liking.
grenademunkey 5 nov.
Of course it works, I've been using WeMod for years now, I've used it with dozens of games, there is no better trainer-related service than WeMod. Its everything anyone ever wanted related to trainers in one place and its what those that use trainers non-nefariously have always wanted. This is as good as it gets, and I couldn't ask for more.
PinkiPrim 7 oct.
These mods work flawlessly. Very much appreciated! I wanted to see if I could do some certain things on the game, like just running on all different building tops, where I could end up going as I've finished the game, even back to the beginning to go back to Jackie's little place where you first met him. Thank you.
HonestSquare275 30 mar.
There was an issue with the trainer. Initially movement slowed to a crawl. I closed the trainer, reloaded the game, and loaded the trainer afterwards and everything worked properly. Except my perk points reset by themselves. This has happened a few times in the last week; I suspect the game is detecting the trainer.
Michaelpcdoc 27 mar.
The cyberpunk 2077 cheats still works perfectly, but however the in-game win-g option still needs some work. I tried to use it from in-game option, and it does not activate the cheats at all. Even when it says it is on, it really is not working. Needs fix. Overall. Thank you for making WeMod. It is the best.
OriginalBean102 20 jul.
I enjoyed using this, it worked fine and it helped a lot, the whole point of the game is the survive off scrap and any gig or a job that'll get you a decent payout but I can do that on another save file but these mods helped me around with money and mostly everything I wanted to do in an open world futuristic game.
MovingPickle395 20 jun.
Thanks for creating this mod! Playing the game for a second time and one thing I found super tedious was levelling up and this mod makes it so easy to level up without handing everything to you on a platter (although you can do that too which is super amazing). Great mod and super useful! Thanks so much for making it!
ViableMachine728 21 mar.
Great seamless mod, please continue with updates! Really brings out the best in the game to be able to play it how I want to. Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication. I'm a casual gamer and this WeMod truly allows me to casually play a modded game without having to have "loads" of work worrying every time they post an update. Simply don't have the time to find an error in a modlist 30+ mods long (I'm looking at you Arma). I've done the Nexus stuff for some games, but having a one size fits all platform for mods is super convienient!
SonofOrion 24 feb.
It runs well. The other side of the coin, Bitdefender flagged malware was detected when I ran it. It would never start. It was constantly flagged, even though I believe I added exceptions correctly. So I had to literally delete my anti-virus to use We Mod. Can you pass this info along? Cheers.
Soulshroude 19 feb.
Just because they got hacked and the source code was stolen, just because the gaming community likes to complain a lot about how the game is unfinished and too buggy, doesn't mean that it's a bad game. The game runs great for me on ultra and I'm using a GTX 1070. I give the game 4/5 stars and am waiting eagerly for the 1.2 patch to come out as well as the first DLC. I'm hoping that 6th Attribute will be unlocked sometime soon as well as new character creation features like long hair and trench coats are added to make the game feel more like its predecessor, Shadowrun.
ManManGuy10 17 feb.
I played the game two or three more times but I didn't want the fun to end and thanks to you guys it didn't have to, so thanks for all the work you put into this trainer and all the other trainers that help new players learn the mechanics of the game and help experiences players get a few more hours of joy and exploring.
NovelProse58 1 feb.
I can't say enough positive things about this amazing game! Flaws? A few. Glitches? No more than Far Cry 5. Unlimited playability? For years! Originality? The O.G. O.G. Everyone who worked on this game deserves a raise, a vacation, and a crisp high-five! Keep on rocking it, and we can't wait for more content!
serverlatency 30 ene.
It just works.™ After your new character count starts reaching triple digits, the tedium of grinding gets.. old. This trainer takes away all of the boring and lets me have fun my way. It allows me to overlook a lot of balance and system changes that will be coming in later patches, for the time being, and get as much enjoyment as I want out of the title. FLiNG is a breath of fresh air for this title, and I hope CDPR takes notes.
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