Solasta: Crown of the Magister Trainers y mods

Trainers y mods para Steam y Xbox

4.9/5 34K reseñas 10K+ descargas Seguro VirusTotal escaneado por MrAntiFun
Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Salud Ilimitada, Muertes de Un Golpe & 7 otros mods for Solasta: Crown of the Magister with WeMod

Mods 9

Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Muertes de Un Golpe
  • Puntos de Movimiento Ilimitados
  • Lanzamiento de Hechizos Ilimitado
  • Mega Experiencia
  • Dinero Ilimitado
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Puntos de Habilidad ilimitados
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Muertes de Un Golpe
  • Puntos de Movimiento Ilimitados
  • Lanzamiento de Hechizos Ilimitado
  • Mega Experiencia
  • Dinero Ilimitado
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Puntos de Habilidad ilimitados
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Muertes de Un Golpe
  • Puntos de Movimiento Ilimitados
  • Lanzamiento de Hechizos Ilimitado
  • Mega Experiencia
  • Dinero Ilimitado
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Puntos de Habilidad ilimitados
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Muertes de Un Golpe
  • Puntos de Movimiento Ilimitados
  • Lanzamiento de Hechizos Ilimitado
  • Mega Experiencia
  • Dinero Ilimitado
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Puntos de Habilidad ilimitados
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Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Salud Ilimitada, Muertes de Un Golpe & 7 otros mods for Solasta: Crown of the Magister with WeMod
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¿Cómo puedo usar las trampas para Solasta: Crown of the Magister?
WeMod mostrará todos los juegos en tu PC de forma segura. Abre un juego de la lista y simplemente pulsa jugar. Cuando el juego se haya cargado y estés in-game, podrás empezar a activar las diferentes trampas.
¿Funcionará esto con mi versión del juego?
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Stormbow 17 abr.
Some of these cheats work, some do not. Unlimited ability points, unlimited spell casting, don't seem to do anything.
Meso_Horn_E 26 dic.
It is great. It feels like it is more inline with how AD&D 2nd edition felt. Thank you for making this.
Dauni 19 jul.
only thing i noticed even prior to recent patch is that the "Unlimited Money" option works to some extent. Once the cost is over around 11.5k, you will not be able to purchase. As long as you don't go over, no issue. However on some items that are over 12k, you cannot buy. Not sure if game is not pulling from platinum properly or what.
jmfarobot 20 jun.
I have enjoyed these mods, and worth the subscription to multiple games. Thank you for time and your effort on this matter, I have tried to code myself, but its not easy. So, giving appreciation where needed is seldom seen anymore. Thank you!
MettaMayhem 31 mar.
I tried to max my stats out but it wouldn't let me finish making my character, but other than that everything else worked great.
SilverEagle563 18 dic.
Great trainer to use if you had the wrong Team and want to start over with a new team. MANY THANKS
KirbyyLiane 1 sep.
It has been a while since I have played Solasta as I got to a stage where I just felt bored of the game play, however, now that I have been playing it with mods the game seems to be more enjoyable as I can focus on combat and the actual story than having to worry about searching and taking everything for the crafting system as money was always slow building in the game.
CuriousStar608 12 jul.
love the unlimited weight feature, really convenient because of how annoying the weight system is.
Justy311 13 may.
Seems to be working fine, Even worked fine on the 'beta' where they had to fix Fortress of the Shield.
KirbyyLiane 3 may.
Thank you so much for this trainer it works perfectly and really increases the fun of the game.
HMorisson 15 abr.
I only used Unlimited Spellcasting & Money, and they both worked perfectly despite the Incompatiblity warning.
Zak_Ember 15 abr.
A new update for the game came out so not every code here works; that said, staples like Infinite Money still do, and I'm sure the team will catch up to the new patch in no time. You guys are the best!
LiquidBear850 3 ene.
very awesome game + awesome and easy to use, as always, mods with this app. thanks for being so useful. gonna load it back up now
SimpleScorpion293 29 jul.
So far so good. What would be GREAT is a simple "Unlimited Food"so you can do a long rest any time. Just a thought. Anyway, thanks! Got me out of a pickle where I was out of spells and couldn't rest for lack of food so I couldn't leave the dungeon I was in!
KyleVahlok 18 jun.
Love your work. With the latest update to Solasta it seems that a few of the mods are not working properly. The ones know are working are the Money, Weight and Items. Not to sure about the others.
ChuckGD89 13 jun.
all the codes I tried worked only the unlimited ability points made it so you couldn't get past the level up interface
SynthPavel 7 jun.
It mostly works still, some glitches with the cheats however, unlimited hp, ap, and spells don't seem to work though. Still like it and will continue to use it
DesiredStranger197 31 may.
Thanks ! earlier I noted that F5 crashed my game. as I retried, the game recommended I lower graphics settings, if that helps you somehow. upon reload F5 worked perfectly. but upon exit I was notified the game did not exit properly. Peace
DarthWells 30 may.
Thanks! Undetected sticks both ways and the first three don't engage, but the others still work (5/30/2021)
Nephicus 29 may.
Some of the cheats work, while some do not. Mostly the important ones like unlimited health work.
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