Terraria Trainers y mods

Trainers y mods para Steam y GOG

4.9/5 33K reseñas 100K+ descargas Seguro VirusTotal escaneado por MrAntiFun
Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Salud Ilimitada, Maná ilimitado & 7 otros mods for Terraria with WeMod

Mods 9

Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Maná ilimitado
  • Oxígeno Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Super Velocidad
  • Impulso de Súper Salto
  • Daño de Cuerpo a Cuerpo Súper
  • Daño Mágico Súper
  • Daño a Distancia Súper
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Maná ilimitado
  • Oxígeno Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Super Velocidad
  • Impulso de Súper Salto
  • Daño de Cuerpo a Cuerpo Súper
  • Daño Mágico Súper
  • Daño a Distancia Súper
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Maná ilimitado
  • Oxígeno Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Super Velocidad
  • Impulso de Súper Salto
  • Daño de Cuerpo a Cuerpo Súper
  • Daño Mágico Súper
  • Daño a Distancia Súper
Mods de Jugador
  • Salud Ilimitada
  • Maná ilimitado
  • Oxígeno Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Super Velocidad
  • Impulso de Súper Salto
  • Daño de Cuerpo a Cuerpo Súper
  • Daño Mágico Súper
  • Daño a Distancia Súper
Video de Gameplay de Mod
Resumen de mods y cheats de Terraria Vista previa de la demo

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WeMod es la aplicación #1 para mods y trucos para 3000+ juegos

Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Salud Ilimitada, Maná ilimitado & 7 otros mods for Terraria with WeMod
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¿Cómo puedo usar las trampas para Terraria?
WeMod mostrará todos los juegos en tu PC de forma segura. Abre un juego de la lista y simplemente pulsa jugar. Cuando el juego se haya cargado y estés in-game, podrás empezar a activar las diferentes trampas.
¿Funcionará esto con mi versión del juego?
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Hydragyrum 7 nov.
Thank you very much, I appreciate your effort. I barely have time to play nowadays, so playing it with those superpowers make it more fun for the time I play.
DeathBringerIam 28 oct.
Thanks to this mod the game is now an exploration game as if i was playing as superman and no one had any kriptonyte, so lots of fun watching the monsters try to hurt me when it doesn't work for them anymore lol
LocalSnail824 5 jul.
tysm this is super fun but there is an issue when you activate i think it was the super speed the charecter falls through the ground and when its off screen you get teleported to where you were but now you invisible to everyone good for singleplayer but bad for multiplayer
isaacwallace123 14 dic.
Amazing services I must say. Also, I'd like to know how much time and effort it took to code this app. This seems like a very well made app and I'm a software engineer so I'm simply curious. Thanks.
RandomYarn710 26 nov.
It was okay, did what was promised but I also wise it wouldn't give me 100000 health and then when I logged off it would give me 500 health the max health in the game. Now some can tell you were cheating if you just started out because I was just using it for a little bit of help.
BoldTwig107 13 abr.
I love that there is a way to better grind out items, because I was having trouble with turtle shells. But you want to know what would be better, a super builder system for building Aspalt bridges across the world, or building the dumb WoF boss arena in hell.
Timeless_4ever 8 ene.
Such a helpful app for getting in gear in the game and receiving such over powered item. Please send more cheats for other games, i will support this app for any other games that doesn't have cheats
MinimalCoder613 29 dic.
it was great ! i did not try everything but i did try some things! but i did want a cheat that gives you what ever item you wanted in the game , but i still liked it!
SweetHamster373 16 oct.
thanks to the devoper I have one problem the unlimited heatlh sucks once you press it, it gets rid of your og health like if you had 400 life in hard mode used it gives you thousand turn of ur at five hundred
ItsFountain129 20 ago.
i had a good experience with this trainer itsvery well made compared to other game trainers but there are some game crashes here and there but i dont mind thank you for creating this software
SaliosN 14 jul.
Unlimited Health, Unlimited Oxygen and Unlimited items work as intended. Super Melee Damage and Super Magic damage seemed to not work, and caused a weird visual issue. I was unable to test Unlimited Mana, super speed and Super Jump Boost, so those need more testing.
Ghost0fHerobrine 3 jul.
AMAZING THIS IS 84234739213871973429187 IQ THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS REALLY FUN :DDD (Just one suggestion, maybe make it so you can switch it to day and night) :)
BasicGrass743 23 may.
Cheats worked perfectly. I would love to have something that ignores crafting requirements so I wouldn't have to go mining for a material before I can get the item
OTGG_Dillon 12 abr.
I don't really like this game but they made me like the game even without hacks and something i would really like was a easy craft so you can craft anything from your crafting menu even without the bench for that
XZyReDd 21 mar.
Don't work in multiplayer hosted games as well as solo's but works perfectly fine otherwise thank you soo much! Makes the game more interesting if you're players with other or trying new things, keep up the work and updates!
ViableYarn9 24 feb.
Being able to "cheat" helped my autistic nephew in playing this game. Don't underestimate what these things can mean to people. It's not just fun for fun sake sometimes.
Apointytriangle 23 feb.
This mod has normally been in the gray area whether it would work or not but it has worked fine everytime I've needed it. Has allowed me to test out a lot of different things, thank you!
AmbitiousTiger830 23 feb.
it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good
QuarantineTurd 21 feb.
hey man, im thankful for you, i love terraria but i dont have time to grind as much as the game needs you to. I hope you have a great rest of your life and I hope whatever you pursue in life serves you well. Love you <3
ActualCake320 11 feb.
The cheats work really well, though the infinite health cheat won't stop you from dying if something would one-shot you, so without buffs you'll want to steer clear of the Dungeon Guardian or Empress of Light.
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