The Long Dark Trainers y mods

Trainers y mods para Steam, Epic Games, y Xbox

4.9/5 34K reseñas 100K+ descargas Seguro VirusTotal escaneado por MrAntiFun
Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Condición Ilimitada, Sin Fatiga & 12 otros mods for The Long Dark with WeMod

Mods 14

Mods de Jugador
  • Condición Ilimitada
  • Sin Fatiga
  • Calorías Ilimitadas
  • Sin Sed
  • Sin Congelación
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Durabilidad Ilimitada
  • Fabricación Fácil
  • Modo Vuelo
  • Sin Muñeca Torcida
  • Sin Tobillo Torcido
  • Sin Dolor
Mods de Jugador
  • Condición Ilimitada
  • Sin Fatiga
  • Calorías Ilimitadas
  • Sin Sed
  • Sin Congelación
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Durabilidad Ilimitada
  • Fabricación Fácil
  • Modo Vuelo
  • Sin Muñeca Torcida
  • Sin Tobillo Torcido
  • Sin Dolor
Mods de Jugador
  • Condición Ilimitada
  • Sin Fatiga
  • Calorías Ilimitadas
  • Sin Sed
  • Sin Congelación
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Durabilidad Ilimitada
  • Fabricación Fácil
  • Modo Vuelo
  • Sin Muñeca Torcida
  • Sin Tobillo Torcido
  • Sin Dolor
Mods de Jugador
  • Condición Ilimitada
  • Sin Fatiga
  • Calorías Ilimitadas
  • Sin Sed
  • Sin Congelación
  • Peso Ilimitado
  • Objetos Ilimitados
  • Resistencia Ilimitada
  • Durabilidad Ilimitada
  • Fabricación Fácil
  • Modo Vuelo
  • Sin Muñeca Torcida
  • Sin Tobillo Torcido
  • Sin Dolor
Video de Gameplay de Mod
Resumen de mods y cheats de The Long Dark Vista previa de la demo

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Descarga gratis Empezar 85MB Windows ...o visítanos en tu PC para descargar la aplicación Obtener Condición Ilimitada, Sin Fatiga & 12 otros mods for The Long Dark with WeMod
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¿Cómo puedo usar las trampas para The Long Dark?
WeMod mostrará todos los juegos en tu PC de forma segura. Abre un juego de la lista y simplemente pulsa jugar. Cuando el juego se haya cargado y estés in-game, podrás empezar a activar las diferentes trampas.
¿Funcionará esto con mi versión del juego?
WeMod utiliza tecnología avanzada para detectar la versión del juego que tienes y te informará si es compatible. Si no es así, todavía tendrás la opción de probarlo o solicitar una actualización.


WittyChalk364 29 jun.
Thank you very much WeMod for updating The Long Dark. You are really looking after us, gamers, even though you are a small team, you are always on top and provide great trainers. Your trainers really help, making games so much enjoyable and enabling us to be able to play any game the way we want to play. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
ExpertSheep559 7 abr.
Works really well. I played w/o helps for a very long time - but when a wolf killed me on the "pensive" mode (too close when he was eating with 335 days survived and all maps visited)... it was time to go to fly mode with no limitations. I'll use that to stock up hugely and go to some impossible locations (Timberwolf Mountain etc). Thank you! Jim
WokeCorn129 30 may.
thanks. much appreciated. I wont be using it for long. just needed to travel some items from one end of the map to the other and it was taking already 12 trips.. so.. its very much appreciated!!!
Goddess1313 27 may.
I couldn't get past the second chapter without you! Many thanks and lots of love from a player who managed to burn herself to death trying to prevent hypothermia. Yeah, that actually happened. I would be dead without you.
SplendidBean322 28 mar.
This mod make the game bearable. I really like the game but being able to sprint all of 20 sec is ridiculous. Not to mention that it's 20 below in most parts of the game and food spoils?!? Thanks a bunch for this!!!
ComplexFlame916 28 ene.
WeMod almost feels illegal lmao. The fact that cheats can be enabled and achievements can still be gotten when most games disable achievements with cheats is incredible. It allows me to enjoy certain aspects of games without worrying about things like certain survival mechanics. Thank you!!!
demonicslayer85 16 oct.
Thanks for all the hard work in producing this trainer. Just a few small suggestion for the trainer. Perhaps it would be better to make the Unlimited items to set X amount of items, and also no poisoning. Again, thank you.
WittyChalk364 11 oct.
Thank you so much Mr AntiFun, without WeMod, I could never have played -and stayed alive for so long in this wonderful game! Thank you also for keeping all games updated so we can carry on having fun. WeMod enables me to learn how to play the game so that after each gameplay I can be more daring and not use some of the help. However, there is one help I could never do without and that is the Flying Mode! What a blessing Flying Mode is! Without it, I would never have been able to reach some places/locations in the game. I tried other Trainers before but WeMod excells them all! Thank you WeMod!
goulish 11 oct.
i love the cheats in this mod, maybe add one for the books?? you could make it that you have the ability to have 5 level for each so we can get the acheivement quickly? i love this mod for it so much! thanks!
1SickPuppy 17 sep.
awesome work with integration, don't notice any blips while I play, thanks so much for updating and keeping pace with what they're doing, I look forward to continuing to enjoy this game and the experience you help to provide.
WittyChalk364 9 sep.
Thank you Devs for a great Trainer! Thanks to WeMod, I can play my games the way I want to play them. WeMod Trainer allows me to do absolutely everything I want to do in my game. I can defy death, surmount all obstacles and survive much longer than those gamers who do not use this excellent trainer.
FamousFire654 24 jul.
Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to code this! I'm quite a hoarder in games, and this "cheat" finally allowed me to carry everything I find with me! Plus, the "fly mode" was fun in itself to play with! "You want me to climb this rope all the way up? Forget that, I'm just going to spirit-walk up there because I can!" Again, Thanks!
RetiredStick193 5 jul.
Excellent mod! My only suggestion is to add a feature to remove otherwise permanent negative effects like Frostbite and perhaps heal other medical conditions because even with everything turned on - such as no freezing - frostbite still goes through. Even if that is fixed tho, being able to heal all conditions would be a nice addition to an otherwise great mod.
WittyChalk364 3 jul.
It is only thanks to WeMod that I am able to play this difficult game. I have reached my 150 days and I could not have done it without this excellent trainer! Thank you WeMod for giving me the ability to play games the way I want to play them; there are games I would never have been able to play without your wonderful trainer.
LatteLlama 8 jun.
Thank you for making what I don't have time to play without mods playable. I love this game and am so happy I can finally experience the story mode without having to put in tons of hours. Thank you so much.
WittyChalk364 23 may.
This mod saved my life! I was in a very, very tricky situation where there was no way out. I activated Fly Mode and was able to safely reach in another place on the map. This literally saved my survival life! What a great mod! I couldn't do without it. Thank you for enabling me to play the game the way I want to play it.
LostManAbroad 5 may.
It would be great if you could add a button that makes you fatigued. Sometimes I cheat so that I don't have to sleep but then I have to just pass the time during the night. If I could turn off the No Fatigue feature and hit a button to tire my character out then I could skip the night with sleep.
FairPumpkin967 4 may.
I love TLD a lot but as a big hoarder its hard to fit in the inventory all the things i need so the ultimate weight is the ebst option here. Also the fly mode makes it easy to explore and find hidden areas which is cool.
JackBounder 24 abr.
This is hands down one of the most needed things for serious gamer's there is. After the game is beaten I use this constantly to meet all the smaller objectives or to just enjoy the game without the pressures or distractions of the AI of the game itself. So thank you as you have made allot of games I never quite beaten 100% playable again! Just an awesome app!
GlittereKitten2 22 feb.
I love We Mod! It has allowed me to change up my game to have both a traditional game with no changes, and an easy one, just for fun, when I don't want to me on edge the entire time. Thanks We Mod! I love this app!
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