Logros de Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Logros para Steam

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17 logros % de todos los jugadores

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Novice to Planned Economy
Enter into the gameplay.
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Disciple of Planned Economy
Play any single game for at least 2 game years
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Republic Founder
Complete all missions from the first campaign.
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Wrong Communist
Achieve at least 80% religious sympathy with at least 10,000 citizens.
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Waste Incinerator
Produce at least 1,000 tons of ash in incinerators (in a single game).
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Revolutionary of the Republic
Complete all missions from the second campaign.
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Master of Research
Complete all possible researches (in a single game).
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Trabi Maker
Manufacture and sell 100 Trabi personal cars to western countries (in a single game).
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Soviet Society
Achieve a population of 25,000 citizens with at least 70% average happiness without inviting immigrants in the last 2 years.
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Soviet Paradise
Achieve a population of 50,000 citizens with at least 80% average happiness without inviting immigrants in the last 2 years.
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Cableway Lover
Operate at least 10 working cableways in one game.
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Nature Lover
Produce at least 1,000 tons of plastic waste from separation (in a single game).
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Right Communist
Achieve at least 80% alcohol addiction with at least 10,000 citizens.
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Very Important Soviets
Operate 5 domestic passenger helicopter lines.
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Soviet Airways
Operate 5 airplanes to western or eastern countries.
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Nuclear Manufacturer
Produce 10 tons of nuclear fuel in realistic mode.
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Soviet Republic Expert
Achieve a population of 30,000 citizens on the hardest difficulty, without inviting immigrants in the last 10 years.

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