
Conquistas de Blood: Fresh Supply

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20 conquistas % de todos os jogadores

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Maranax MaranAAAHHHHHH
Kill 100 Cultists
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Swallow This
Kill a Choking Hand
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Sleep, Ophelia
Complete The Way of All Flesh on any difficulty
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I Die... Again
Kill yourself 10 times in single-player
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Beneath the Floorboards
Find a super secret
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Forgive Me, Old Friend
Complete Even Death May Die on any difficulty
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Digestive Irritant
Find the secret level in The Way of All Flesh
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Oh My God... You're Rabid!?
Exploit the Hellhound's greatest weakness
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Rest in Pieces
Complete Farewell to Arms on any difficulty
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Thine Is the Kingdom
Complete Dead Reckoning on any difficulty
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Should Have Gone to the Beach
Find the secret level in Even Death May Die
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Priest, Beast, Deceased
Complete Post Mortem on any difficulty
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The Nightmare Ends
Complete Cryptic Passage on any difficulty
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Shopping Spree!
Find the secret level in Dead Reckoning
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Better Left Buried
Find the secret level in Farewell to Arms
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The Legend...
Find the secret level in Cryptic Passage
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So Forgotten That They're Still Full of Cultists
Find the secret level in Post Mortem
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Watch out for Pedestrians
Complete Ghost Town (E3M1) on any difficulty without any Innocents getting killed
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I'm Not Staying in This Freaking House Another Second
Complete The Haunting (E2M5) in under 40 seconds on any difficulty
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Defeat the 3 Beasts of Beauty and the Beast (E6M8) in under 3 minutes on Well Done difficulty or above

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