
:titulo Treinadores e Mods

Treinadores e mods para Steam

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Estamina Ilimitada, Reabastecer Mana & 21 outros mods for Phasmophobia with WeMod

Mods 23

Mods de jogador
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Reabastecer Mana
  • Multiplicador de Mana Máxima
  • Velocidade de Retardo de Recuperação de Energia
  • Velocidade de Caminhada Super Rápida
  • Velocidade Super Rápida de Corrida
  • Revelar Localização do Jogador
  • Localização do Jogador
Mods de inventário
  • Dinheiro
Mods de estatísticas
  • Multiplicador de Experiência
  • Sanidade Máxima
  • Definir Sanidade Consumida
  • Multiplicador da Taxa de Dreno de Sanidade
Mods de armas
  • Sal Ilimitado
  • Lanterna Potente
Mods de inimigos
  • Fantasma Sempre Visível
  • Desativar Fantasma
  • Revelar Tipo do Fantasma
  • Tipo de Fantasma
  • Revelar Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Revelar Localização do Fantasma
  • Localização do Fantasma
Mods de jogador
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Reabastecer Mana
  • Multiplicador de Mana Máxima
  • Velocidade de Retardo de Recuperação de Energia
  • Velocidade de Caminhada Super Rápida
  • Velocidade Super Rápida de Corrida
  • Revelar Localização do Jogador
  • Localização do Jogador
Mods de inventário
  • Dinheiro
Mods de estatísticas
  • Multiplicador de Experiência
  • Sanidade Máxima
  • Definir Sanidade Consumida
  • Multiplicador da Taxa de Dreno de Sanidade
Mods de armas
  • Sal Ilimitado
  • Lanterna Potente
Mods de inimigos
  • Fantasma Sempre Visível
  • Desativar Fantasma
  • Revelar Tipo do Fantasma
  • Tipo de Fantasma
  • Revelar Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Revelar Localização do Fantasma
  • Localização do Fantasma
Mods de jogador
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Reabastecer Mana
  • Multiplicador de Mana Máxima
  • Velocidade de Retardo de Recuperação de Energia
  • Velocidade de Caminhada Super Rápida
  • Velocidade Super Rápida de Corrida
  • Revelar Localização do Jogador
  • Localização do Jogador
Mods de inventário
  • Dinheiro
Mods de armas
  • Sal Ilimitado
  • Lanterna Potente
Mods de inimigos
  • Fantasma Sempre Visível
  • Desativar Fantasma
  • Revelar Tipo do Fantasma
  • Tipo de Fantasma
  • Revelar Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Revelar Localização do Fantasma
  • Localização do Fantasma
Mods de estatísticas
  • Multiplicador de Experiência
  • Sanidade Máxima
  • Definir Sanidade Consumida
  • Multiplicador da Taxa de Dreno de Sanidade
Mods de jogador
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Reabastecer Mana
  • Multiplicador de Mana Máxima
  • Velocidade de Retardo de Recuperação de Energia
  • Velocidade de Caminhada Super Rápida
  • Velocidade Super Rápida de Corrida
  • Revelar Localização do Jogador
  • Localização do Jogador
Mods de inventário
  • Dinheiro
Mods de inimigos
  • Fantasma Sempre Visível
  • Desativar Fantasma
  • Revelar Tipo do Fantasma
  • Tipo de Fantasma
  • Revelar Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Cômodo Favorito do Fantasma
  • Revelar Localização do Fantasma
  • Localização do Fantasma
Mods de estatísticas
  • Multiplicador de Experiência
  • Sanidade Máxima
  • Definir Sanidade Consumida
  • Multiplicador da Taxa de Dreno de Sanidade
Mods de armas
  • Sal Ilimitado
  • Lanterna Potente
Vídeo de jogabilidade de mods
Visão geral dos mods e trapaças de Phasmophobia Prévia de vídeo demonstrativo

Como funciona?

Etapa 1

Baixe o WeMod

WeMod é o app nº1 para mods e trapaças para 3000+ jogos

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Estamina Ilimitada, Reabastecer Mana & 21 outros mods for Phasmophobia with WeMod
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Etapa 2

Abrir o jogo no WeMod

Meus jogos

Abrir jogo

Etapa 3

Alternar Mods

Seu jogo

On Off Vida ilimitada Estamina ilimitada Alternar Mods

Etapa 4

Jogar com Mods!

✓ Mods ativados

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O WeMod é sempre seguro e gratuito graças à nossa comunidade de milhões de jogadores ao redor do mundo. Somos sustentados pelos assinantes do WeMod Pro. Confira nossas avaliações no Trustpilot.

Como uso as trapaças em Phasmophobia?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


yamothy 13 mar
honestly having these mods gives me the opportunity to learn the new map, learn how certain ghost move and their tendencies. Its just a really cool thing to be able to practice and just kinda run around and explore without the feeling of being killed from behind at any second lol. Appreciate all the work you guys do, it runs seamlessly and it all works great. Shout out the devs, much love to you all.
RationalTwig4731 29 jan
THIS ENGINE IS THE G.O.A.T. Just by using this for once made me speechless for what coders, designers and developers can come up with. Totally mesmerized and speechless, this app or 'MOD', we can say, is THE LEGEND in the field of modding. No other app or engine could ever be made better than this. Modding peaked here. Thanks for creating such a masterpiece and thank a lot for such experience as well!
BigJohnJohn69 18 set
It was an amazing experience, it was bad, but that was because I forgot to extract the files and read the 'before you play' page and all that, but after, the game was really funny when I was hacking. P.S (Please do not use it in multiplayer because I heard from many sources it leads to a ban, or blocking you from rejoining the game with the mods installed.)
thebeast23033 17 mar
Works great, but had to add some extra security due to devs but works flawlessly in both single and multiplayer, 0 problems, DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE USING IN MP!! Just tone it down if u plan to use in MP, i only use in SP for some cash and xp but MP is fun so i've only tried a couple times, but no problems. Dknighter sorry but u tried lmfao.
SilentPlant193 15 dez
Worked flawlessly, easy install, like no setup. I'm a single dad and play this game with my 5 year old and let him play. unfortunately that does result in him getting hunted and running out of money all the time. this allowed me to replenish my funds to where they were before letting him play each time instead of stunting my own progress. I have not experimented with any settings outside of the money mod because I fear it would ruin the game for myself. But I would imagine some of the settings could help you practice against specific ghosts. But I most likely wont even do that.
GravityX360 21 nov
I would like to know for sure if you can get banned for getting money and levels in singleplayer then turn off the mods and play multiplayer, i'm gonna try it in a minute anyways so its your fault for tempting me. But thank you for making this anyways because it seems like it was a great idea and amount of effort put into it, so thank you! :) please have a pleasant day and I hope nothing I said offended anyone. :)
IchigoxRukia 6 fev
This was the best experience that i am so grateful for before i used this client i was unable to get the evidence i needed without dying butwith being able to disable the ghost i have been able to gather all the evidence i need minus the ghost hunt, i would like to say that there is one thing needed which is invincibability so that we can initiate a hunt and survive the hunt
MagicalBubble773 28 out
pretty easy way to build up money and xp, other than that its an easy way to exploit the game. Kinda fun to watch the ghost move rooms and making it visible while it does it is super creepy. Haven't tried it with the twins yet but will be interesting to see how that interaction works. Overall very easy to use with the mobile app as well, i would highly recommend using that instead of hotkeys.
BraveSponge644 5 set
Thanks dev! i found phasmophobia way too difficult so i decided to install wemod and ive been having so much more fun because ive been dying every hunt and now since i have unlimited sprint i can survive nearly every hunt. its not god mode so i can still die, so its just more fun since i can survive more than i used to. thanks dev! youve revived my love for phasmophobia :D
ObviousMachine966 25 mai
This Phasmophobia Cheat is amazing. I did only use one or two things, that being money and experience multipliers but the money is a god send, Because my friends and I play to have fun not be dead serious about not dying and all of that to the point we have no money for even getting in a game where we cant identify the ghost because we don't have the right equipment. So if you're in the same boat as me with money and friends, definitely use this cheat's money option.
Z3R0_MIDN1GHT 20 mar
it was the best experience i've ever had, i got to get to everything before anyone else did and I got to troll them with the cursed object (starting a hunt without them knowing). But i was kind of upset that you didn't have a "force hunt" option on the menu, try to implement that if you can PLEASE. in all, it was a great experience and i would definitely recommend buying vip.
blossom0w0 1 nov
love it. all the options are amazing and relieves my stress that i get from trying to figure out the ghost type LMAO when my friends dont know what it is and im the only one left alive i just reveal the ghost type and ghost location and its so fun to prove them wrong. the sanity feature is great on nightmare mode too cause you can't see the teams sanity
TropicalFog333 22 out
Honestly a cool mod! I Just started playing Phasmophobia about a week ago, made it to level 60 just doing intermediate with one or two people. They told me about the mod, and I honestly have to say, it made the experience more enjoyable than it already was. Staying until nobody is left alive for the sake of good evidence can keep equipment at an awful low. Unlimited money keeps you in the game and hunting how you see fit! Love it!
Jaymario64 19 jun
I only used some of the cheats but not all of them, but the ones i did use did work and the ones i didn't use i don't know except for unlimited salt did not work at all but again as for everything else except for the ones like super running speed, strong flashlight, and unlimited pictures i am not sure about because i didn't try them but excellent job not the less
unlogic101 20 mai
Pretty fun, not doing this in public servers so I don't get banned or something. My friend showed me it and helped me get it, and I really enjoyed it. Infinite money is awesome, now I don't have to worry about dying since I always add everything. Although it's a bit annoying to turn off, since I can't just close wemod, I really hope more comes. Maybe like show ghost room, xray, revive, teleportation, flying, etc. I also hate how the show ghost doesn't work or something.
InstantSpoon565 2 mai
I like the setup, it works well. I would just say it's a little barebones. I'd add some more features such as various ESP's. Some troll features would be much appreciated, like various interactions after death, the ability to change the ghost name, possibly even Ouija Board shenanigans, etc. But overall it does what it says it can do on the tin without hassle.
ItzWollly 23 abr
awesome 10/10 recommend just a fun way to play phasmophobia or any games you like or play.No viruses or any damage to computer or anything and an amazing experience but id like on phasmophobia to have a key that can make the ghost hunt auto maticly. but thanks for this fun way to play any game on steam :) 10/10 recommend!!....
Requiem1210 17 mar
grateful that the codes were finally updated. Thank you. just one thing I notice that the "super flashlight" no longer applies to the shoulder light that defaults when you switch to another item in your hand. Unsure if this was deliberate, but I do remember being able to hit T to enable the shoulder flashlight's radius when holding something else.
Requiem1210 1 mar
fast walking is something that should have been in the game already. Thank you! The flashlight is a godsend for the large maps. I love the "disable ghost" code for when I'm feeling a bit cowardish. There are times though, I wish there was a code which made the ghost ignore you when it started hunting so you could get those darn photo quests. :D
ClassicRabbit738 19 fev
I love playing Phasmophobia! Especially with my friends. I noticed that the characters of the game have already a flashlight their shoulder, yet we players are forced to carry a flashlight separate from the one on our shoulder. Maybe if there could possibly be a way to get the flashlight on our shoulders to work would be amazing! Other than that, wemod is doing a lovely job!
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