
:titulo Treinadores e Mods

Treinadores e mods para Steam e Xbox

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Vida Ilimitada, Estamina Ilimitada & 6 outros mods for CODE VEIN with WeMod

Mods 8

Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Névoa Ilimitada
  • Icor Ilimitado
  • Foco Ilimitado
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de inimigos
  • Mortes com Um Golpe
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Névoa Ilimitada
  • Icor Ilimitado
  • Foco Ilimitado
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de inimigos
  • Mortes com Um Golpe
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Névoa Ilimitada
  • Icor Ilimitado
  • Foco Ilimitado
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de inimigos
  • Mortes com Um Golpe
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Névoa Ilimitada
  • Icor Ilimitado
  • Foco Ilimitado
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de inimigos
  • Mortes com Um Golpe
Introdução ao WeMod
Visão geral de mods com WeMod Prévia de vídeo demonstrativo

Como funciona?

Etapa 1

Baixe o WeMod

WeMod é o app nº1 para mods e trapaças para 3000+ jogos

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Vida Ilimitada, Estamina Ilimitada & 6 outros mods for CODE VEIN with WeMod
Saiba mais

Etapa 2

Abrir o jogo no WeMod

Meus jogos

Abrir jogo

Etapa 3

Alternar Mods

Seu jogo

On Off Vida ilimitada Estamina ilimitada Alternar Mods

Etapa 4

Jogar com Mods!

✓ Mods ativados

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Personalize seus jogos em segurança com o WeMod

O WeMod é sempre seguro e gratuito graças à nossa comunidade de milhões de jogadores ao redor do mundo. Somos sustentados pelos assinantes do WeMod Pro. Confira nossas avaliações no Trustpilot.

Como uso as trapaças em CODE VEIN?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


ParallelLaptop560 3 jan
playing the game originally was fun and enjoyable but sometimes when you wanna make a secondary character? THIS helps make the second time experince all the more fun!
CrimsonRosetta 3 jul
Thank you so much for smoothing out my gaming experience. Really don't like to farm for materials at this day/age, and so the infinite material really helped a lot.
Aja4321 18 jun
all seams to work, But I am not sure if having the mods on, ends up turning the Proficiency to gain exp. It may take time to find enough the Max Proficiency Items as the unlimited Item mod works on them.
DahliaGunn 2 jun
Makes the game so much easier. i played this on playstation, and did the entire campaign, and it was difficult, but fun. this time around, i get to enjoy it a bit more, and take in the beauty of this game.
paaronormalvile 27 jan
excellent again work from the talented modders at Wemod. Sometimes, its just nice to enjoy a souls-like in relaxing way. Beaten without mods before, so yknow, its like earning the best easy mode.
ZuDoTeKa 14 jul
Some items still got used up with unlimited items, and some mobs had to be taken out like normal with one-hit kills but it was more fun like this. Thanks for the work
FamousPurpose899 12 mai
I played this game on console and got to hellfire knight on it but never finished. now on PC, I know I need to get lots of lvls and skills to even attempt it. This helps a TON! Thank you so much!!!
ChiefString368 1 mai
Thanks for making this! This game in my personal opinion isn't very fun with its current gaming mechanics, but using these cheats really improves it! (especially unlimited stamina, that is an absolute godsend)
Valinaar 12 jan
I gotta say getting back into the game is so good when you can speed it up after replaying the game a few times. Wemod is a great app!
N1kzombiekill 28 out
really fun, its nice to be able to play a souls like game thats actually on gamepass rather than just be a steam excluse *cough cough* hollow knight
CapableShade502 19 out
Thanks to WeMod my inability to Git Gud no longer barred me from getting the juicy DLC weapons and Blood Veils! Freaking love this service. Hasn't disappointed me once, which you don't get from online services much these days. 10/10 will abuse unlimited resources again
CharmingBubble798 25 set
thanks and Im sorry but cheating sometimes help me skip that one area that just kills me games are meant to be fun. thank you for making this its helped me get ahead in games that too me seemed like hard brick walls impassablel.
MarvelousChicken839 5 set
Like the game and the story, but not too great at it. Yes its a little bit cheating using it, but I would not have gotten the game if this wasn't supporting it.
RoyalParty663 19 jun
Hey, considering it's been about a year since I last played this (and never completed it) your trainer has been awesome! Thanks a bunch!
HippieCircus420 7 abr
SO Glad there was a Windows Store Trainer, not a big fan of these games, but love the story.. so now i can actually kind of ENJOY the game (even if i took all the challenge out of it) in short, youre awesome
IndirectBerry505 2 mar
It good. A good addition would be an unlimited weight capacity, making your dodge always a dash. It has everything else you would want though.
LinearKangaroo462 1 mar
I enjoyed playing code V with only using the stamina cheat on i mean seriously between this and dark souls wth is with stamina they are ZOMBIES!!! The dead don't get tired?
GoldenSeed46 28 fev
I really appreciate the mod for this game. i don't have the time to perfect my skills with this kind of challenging game, but with Wemod, i can play through it and enjoy the story with the type of experience i prefer.
TheMcKayz 26 fev
thanks man you are amazing i gotta hand it toyou the fact that basically you are doing this for free is astonishing the community is very grateful to have you keep at it man
MrGamePass_Windows10 26 fev
I want to personally thank you for all the amazing mods you do. i have been waiting for the windows version for a long time. and to see it now it's great. all the research i've done is probably for the steam version like Cheat Engine Trainers. so thanks to you i can have the enjoyment of modding.
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