
:titulo Treinadores e Mods

Treinadores e mods para Steam

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Saúde Infinita, Estamina Infinita & 17 outros mods for Enshrouded with WeMod

Mods 19

Mods de jogador
  • Saúde Infinita
  • Estamina Infinita
  • Mana Ilimitada
  • Congelar Duração Encoberta
  • Conforto Máximo
  • Editar Chance de Crítico
  • Aumentar Dano Crítico %
  • Aumentar dano de arma corpo a corpo %
  • Aumentar dano de arma à distância %
  • Aumentar dano mágico %
  • Sem Hipotermia
Mods de inventário
  • Durabilidade Ilimitada do Item
  • Editar Quantidade de Item Arrastado
  • Sem Requisitos de Material para Fabricação
Mods de estatísticas
  • Editar Exp
  • Multiplicador de Exp
  • Pontos de Habilidade Não Diminuirão
Mods de inimigos
  • Inimigos Burros
Mods de jogo
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de jogador
  • Saúde Infinita
  • Estamina Infinita
  • Mana Ilimitada
  • Congelar Duração Encoberta
  • Conforto Máximo
  • Editar Chance de Crítico
  • Aumentar Dano Crítico %
  • Aumentar dano de arma corpo a corpo %
  • Aumentar dano de arma à distância %
  • Aumentar dano mágico %
  • Sem Hipotermia
Mods de inventário
  • Durabilidade Ilimitada do Item
  • Editar Quantidade de Item Arrastado
  • Sem Requisitos de Material para Fabricação
Mods de estatísticas
  • Editar Exp
  • Multiplicador de Exp
  • Pontos de Habilidade Não Diminuirão
Mods de inimigos
  • Inimigos Burros
Mods de jogo
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de jogador
  • Saúde Infinita
  • Estamina Infinita
  • Mana Ilimitada
  • Congelar Duração Encoberta
  • Conforto Máximo
  • Editar Chance de Crítico
  • Aumentar Dano Crítico %
  • Aumentar dano de arma corpo a corpo %
  • Aumentar dano de arma à distância %
  • Aumentar dano mágico %
  • Sem Hipotermia
Mods de inventário
  • Durabilidade Ilimitada do Item
  • Editar Quantidade de Item Arrastado
  • Sem Requisitos de Material para Fabricação
Mods de inimigos
  • Inimigos Burros
Mods de estatísticas
  • Editar Exp
  • Multiplicador de Exp
  • Pontos de Habilidade Não Diminuirão
Mods de jogo
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de jogador
  • Saúde Infinita
  • Estamina Infinita
  • Mana Ilimitada
  • Congelar Duração Encoberta
  • Conforto Máximo
  • Editar Chance de Crítico
  • Aumentar Dano Crítico %
  • Aumentar dano de arma corpo a corpo %
  • Aumentar dano de arma à distância %
  • Aumentar dano mágico %
  • Sem Hipotermia
Mods de inventário
  • Durabilidade Ilimitada do Item
  • Editar Quantidade de Item Arrastado
  • Sem Requisitos de Material para Fabricação
Mods de estatísticas
  • Editar Exp
  • Multiplicador de Exp
  • Pontos de Habilidade Não Diminuirão
Mods de inimigos
  • Inimigos Burros
Mods de jogo
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Vídeo de jogabilidade de mods
Visão geral dos mods e trapaças de Enshrouded Prévia de vídeo demonstrativo

Como funciona?

Etapa 1

Baixe o WeMod

WeMod é o app nº1 para mods e trapaças para 3000+ jogos

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Saúde Infinita, Estamina Infinita & 17 outros mods for Enshrouded with WeMod
Saiba mais

Etapa 2

Abrir o jogo no WeMod

Meus jogos

Abrir jogo

Etapa 3

Alternar Mods

Seu jogo

On Off Vida ilimitada Estamina ilimitada Alternar Mods

Etapa 4

Jogar com Mods!

✓ Mods ativados

Você também pode gostar

Personalize seus jogos em segurança com o WeMod

O WeMod é sempre seguro e gratuito graças à nossa comunidade de milhões de jogadores ao redor do mundo. Somos sustentados pelos assinantes do WeMod Pro. Confira nossas avaliações no Trustpilot.

Como uso as trapaças em Enshrouded?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


ActualBean6450 28 fev
Did not realise how simple this was to use, and how effective the software makes the game easier to play. An absolute must for those finding it difficult to pass certain level and especially for builders that do not want to grind resources. Love it - Thank You
MaxSpector 7 fev
Love being able to explore the nuances of the game with what small amount of time I play this, too many games to play! Love your work! Send me a link to where I can donate to.
CheerfulCanvas985 24 jan
I'm 68 years old and I don't relish the idea of farming and grinding the rest of my days so I am thankful. It is also easier (for me) to explore and enjoy the game if i'm not getting the tar beaten out of me.
BalanceOfJudgement 7 jan
awesome as usual been using Wemod actually since the old days when it was called Horizon. I still remember the very first game I used it on too Dragons Dogma, I hired an Horizon made pawn for my party and went the website to download the app, so when I say its awesome as usual, THAT IS EXACTLY what i'm reffering to
IntenseSeal858 2 dez
I don't have a lot of free time in my life. And I like the big games that take hundreds of hours to complete, and normally that would take me months. But, this WeMod thing helps me make changes and play those huge games at a pace that is still super fun for me and get to complete them within a month - give or take. Cheers.
QueenFuzzBuzz 13 ago
its very good. you make playing by myself easier. if Im stuck, I can get out.. but this for me, goes for every game I need wemod on. thank you for making me my own admin lol
Dwolf0505 2 mai
The stamina circle and floating health orb are very annoying when trying to build and do other things. Is there a way to get rid of those? Other than that I love the mod and thank you
ClassicalBubble2097 21 abr
Thank you for making the game a hell of a lot more fun. For an older person like me It's really hard these days to keep up with the speed of things. This helps a lot for me to enjoy things.
RandomPig6407 10 abr
I am not a great player of games therefore the only way that I can get through a game is to cheat past Boss's. This is a tool for such a job. I play very little therefore cannot justify upgrading to the Pro version. So thank you very much for allowing me and other users to use this application free of charge.
DesiredSeal866 7 abr
The fact that there is a free version that does NOT require us to pay for it to enjoy it's ability makes me wan't to pay. Just because you are awesome! Thank you for all you do!
NoName4563 2 abr
Thank you for this mod set. I can play this game without the mods but as for the building part. I love being able to just let myself create. This set of mods works well and lets me do just that.
Lord_Snow 20 mar
Very user friendly and optimized. No hassle swap between platform and game, and a very intuitive interface. I have not tried the in game GUI, but I bet it's just as flawless as the rest has been. 10/10
Sduncan7 3 mar
These mods are excellent! My single player save for games like this is usually just me messing around, trying to figure out what I can and can't do and gather up as many items and/or resources, get used to building mechanics etc. before stepping into the MP game modes. Your mods for Enshrouded have made the SP experience even better for me as I come to grips with how this rather unforgiving game works! Thank you and keep up the great work.
gauthan 29 fev
Thanks for this, it works well! 1 small flaw since the last update, when you use unlimited stamina, a green circle appears to the left of the character and stays there until you turn off unlimited stamina.
ExotikMix 28 fev
I LOVE WeMod! Gaming has been my outlet since I was a young child. I have suffered from chronic depression and severe PTSD as a former foster child and games were my "escape" I watched as I grew up and all the peers my age would start getting into trouble with drugs and alcohol , I would just go home and game. So as an adult, when I discovered Wemod, it changed EVERYTHING for me. Thank you SOOOO much for supporting the world of gamers! xoxox
zappaf39 17 fev
works great died on the side of a cliff and had to use unl. health just to get gravestone back lol they shoulda made them spawn at the location 2s before you died
PrimePopcorn683 8 fev
Removes the pressure of time, the most valuable resource to us especially to people who still have those few hours to game every now and then with kids now and all that stuff. For that, I would happily support this
Monty67T 7 fev
I'm getting older and WeMod lets me enjoy the newest games, but without the frustration of dying over and over or having to grind for hours to get resources. I have a family and don't have as much time as I did when I was single. WeMod helps me progress through games in a shorter period of time. I can get the full story, without having to invest hours and hours of my time.
YeahImRaptor 30 jan
Mods make finding materials (and duplicating them) relatively easy. These mods also make it good for beginner players to learn the ropes of the game and get used to its mechanics without being too powerful. In regards to the most recent Steam update (01/30/2024), all mods are functional, I have had no issues.
ellscubed 30 jan
This is a unique tool, and I'm really enjoying it. There are limited use cases given how the 'mods' work...but in cases where the game simply doesn't have mods or console can be a must to avoid time waste and the like. I am having some UI issues though. The text and images are blurry and remain so on my 4k display.
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