
:titulo Treinadores e Mods

Treinadores e mods para Steam e Xbox

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Vida Ilimitada, MP Ilimitado & 7 outros mods for FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE with WeMod

Mods 9

Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • MP Ilimitado
  • Recarga Instantânea de Ataque
  • Super Dano
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Gil Ilimitado
  • Licenças Ilimitadas
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de estatísticas
  • Mega Exp
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • MP Ilimitado
  • Recarga Instantânea de Ataque
  • Super Dano
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Gil Ilimitado
  • Licenças Ilimitadas
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de estatísticas
  • Mega Exp
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • MP Ilimitado
  • Recarga Instantânea de Ataque
  • Super Dano
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Gil Ilimitado
  • Licenças Ilimitadas
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de estatísticas
  • Mega Exp
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • MP Ilimitado
  • Recarga Instantânea de Ataque
  • Super Dano
  • Definir Velocidade do Jogo
Mods de inventário
  • Gil Ilimitado
  • Licenças Ilimitadas
  • Itens Ilimitados
Mods de estatísticas
  • Mega Exp
Introdução ao WeMod
Visão geral de mods com WeMod Prévia de vídeo demonstrativo

Como funciona?

Etapa 1

Baixe o WeMod

WeMod é o app nº1 para mods e trapaças para 3000+ jogos

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Vida Ilimitada, MP Ilimitado & 7 outros mods for FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE with WeMod
Saiba mais

Etapa 2

Abrir o jogo no WeMod

Meus jogos

Abrir jogo

Etapa 3

Alternar Mods

Seu jogo

On Off Vida ilimitada Estamina ilimitada Alternar Mods

Etapa 4

Jogar com Mods!

✓ Mods ativados

Você também pode gostar

Personalize seus jogos em segurança com o WeMod

O WeMod é sempre seguro e gratuito graças à nossa comunidade de milhões de jogadores ao redor do mundo. Somos sustentados pelos assinantes do WeMod Pro. Confira nossas avaliações no Trustpilot.

Como uso as trapaças em FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


UsefulMask744 10 jun
Been meaning to play this for years, but now I have the assistance to make it through in reasonable time!
XxwargasmxX 23 mar
wish there were option for armor drop and any special items. super damage doesnt seem to work
FaisalZarif 19 mar
Amazing options, but more options like gain weapons instantly and damage multiplier would be good.
kdumbledore 3 mar
Everything works pretty good. Only thing I noticed was the unlimited licenses; I had an issue where sometimes when I bought a license it went from max to zero and I had to exit the license board, and go back in, for every single license I purchased. But other times I'd just drop from the max to like 6x something amounts and it was enough to buy out the entire board at once. Not sure why sometimes I could buy everything at once and other times I had to buy exit enter buy exit enter buy etc.
Kingofdeviluke 8 mai
WeMod is absolutely brilliant helps me out of a few tight spots if i am having trouble.
RoyalMoon754 6 fev
Thank you so much I saved a lot of time leveling in the game I loved as a kid but don't have as much time to play. I hope you have one for 10-2 as well. I will never forget this.
RelativeShoe480 27 set
cheats work perfectly except the license point one you need to constantly go back and forth from the license menu as it resets to 0
MeninaMask21 6 ago
love the cheats. Make me enjoy exploring and completing all sidequests and trophies after already beating the game.
TokenCuban12 13 jun
This was very helpful and it made the game alot more enjoyable to just enjoy the story.
AbsoluteYam929 31 out
this made the 200 hrs I put into the ps2 original worth finding this mod. thank you so very much
RemoteChicken408 8 jun
works great save for the unlimited licenses and super damage dont actually stick but still a good trainer
CaelusKing 31 mai
Thank you! The only problem I'm having is that Super Damage actually doesn't work with my game. When I turn it on, it automatically shuts off. Another issue is that the Licenses goes away after one use and I have to re-back into the menu for it to reset.
MovingDog238 7 mai
Love this trainer, my only issue, honestly, is that the unlimited License Points isn't truly limited, but that may just be a game thing, and not the creator's fault.
PatientGamer440 22 mar
They work great except for the license points. They drop to zero after one use.
IdealPig276 20 mar
no complaints but LP spending is weird. exit license and re enter to spend points.GG
Zabrian 13 mar
Thanks its been a blast and has made getting through some of the start of the game which i have done so many times a lot easier
Juggalocody 11 mar
thank you! the only issue i had with it was the unlimited Licenses it states 99999 for qty but the moment you aquire onethe counter drops to zero. then youhave to back out and go back in to buy more licenses.Not to big of a deal but thought i would throw that out there :-)
Wolnin83 11 mar
More reliable than the in game menu mods, the Licenses Modleaves a bit to be desired, but honestly not all that bad if you don't mind exiting the menu every time you activate a License. 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Acioctic 7 mar
Played FFXII with wemod went great and smooth with no issues what so ever
Belansky907 14 fev
For some reason the Trainers stopped working last night but when I booted up today, everything worked great again! I've beaten this game a few times so it is really nice to be able to chug through the combat and enjoy a fantastic story
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