
Trapaças e mods de Foundation

Treinadores e trapaças para Steam

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Ouro Ilimitado, Madeira Ilimitada & 6 outros mods for Foundation with WeMod

Mods 8

Mods de jogador
  • Ouro Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Ferramenta Ilimitada
  • Frutas Ilimitadas
  • Pedra Ilimitada
  • Tábuas Ilimitadas
  • Mega Exp
  • Tecidos Ilimitados
Mods de jogador
  • Ouro Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Ferramenta Ilimitada
  • Frutas Ilimitadas
  • Pedra Ilimitada
  • Tábuas Ilimitadas
  • Mega Exp
  • Tecidos Ilimitados
Mods de jogador
  • Ouro Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Ferramenta Ilimitada
  • Frutas Ilimitadas
  • Pedra Ilimitada
  • Tábuas Ilimitadas
  • Mega Exp
  • Tecidos Ilimitados
Mods de jogador
  • Ouro Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Ferramenta Ilimitada
  • Frutas Ilimitadas
  • Pedra Ilimitada
  • Tábuas Ilimitadas
  • Mega Exp
  • Tecidos Ilimitados
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Como uso as trapaças em Foundation?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


Vizmael 25 nov
Thank you for this. I don't have a lot of free time so this helps speed things up for a quick play before going back to reality.
WolfGodOfMidnight 11 nov
Cheats that should be added: - Infinity Happiness
MasterRaven 10 mai
everything worked like a charm, really helps to learn the game.
PureRadience24 1 mai
thanks for making this mod, although i still cant use planks it still says i have zero in the build when the UI says 99999
ParallelCamel976 7 nov
thanks for developing such an amazing trainer that works
MajorSail987 4 nov
I'm still learning the game and the wemod app. I've lost one game of Foundation and playing my second. Running out of gold is a problem. Wemod may help that. I would like to say more but I just haven't played long enough. Hopefully, I can write back later with a more thurough report.
Pohoudini 27 out
Everything still works with latest iteration of the game. Thanks for all you do!
LogicalStranger256 2 set
to be fair only money mode was working but it helps a lot anyway :) Thanks!
Valr3x 8 jul
Thanks but it starts to not work if u use it for a long time.
mgraves84321 28 jun
worked perfectly. i would rather beable to get a boost in resources vs unlimited. Thoughts for future mods.
pantonyp 10 jun
Thank you for adding this game to the growing list of your expanding library of games xx
Cptsaveahoe_710 22 mai
you guys should add more food options to the mods like fish and wool
ObviousWorm588 20 mai
nice hoping for no additional money to maintain this mod
AntiBallisticMay0 15 mar
steam version works alright. when can we expect the GOG version?
Solestius 4 mar
The cheats work well with the vanilla game. Only unlimited gold and unlimited food work with mods. Unlimited food is quite nice, you still need to have the markets for the food. The people will go to the markets and get food even if there is no food available and they will not starve if there is no food market available. This still affects their happiness. There should be a cheat for happiness.
Yeahaaaaa 22 fev
Still need some development for the money cheat
Starmyst610 21 fev
the cheats still work but they dont show correctly anymore
Golden_Wonder 18 fev
You make all the games better . I do not have time in my life to be grinding in games . Your work makes my life easier . THANK YOU !!
lilSativaslut 17 fev
The trainer works great in the beginning when you need some resources that you don't stockpile very quickly, but it would be nice to have extra options for the basic resources no matter the mods of the game itself!
ParallelBucket12 11 fev
great for when you just want to relax and build rather than be challenged, same as playing minecraft in survival or creative both fun both have a purpose
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