
:titulo Treinadores e Mods

Treinadores e mods para Steam, Epic Games, Xbox, e GOG

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Carvão Ilimitado, Madeira Ilimitada & 18 outros mods for Frostpunk with WeMod

Mods 20

Mods de jogador
  • Carvão Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Aço Ilimitado
  • Comida Crua Ilimitada
  • Núcleos de Vapor Ilimitados
  • Material de Madeira Ilimitado
  • Placas de Aço Ilimitadas
  • Ferramentas a Vapor Ilimitadas
  • Sem Estresse no Gerador
  • Pesquisa Rápida
  • Construção Rápida
  • Resfriamento Instantâneo do Livro de Leis
  • Definir Carvão
  • Definir Madeira
  • Conjunto de Aço
  • Conjunto de Comida Crua
  • Conjunto de Núcleos de Vapor
  • Madeireira
  • Placas de Aço
  • Ferramentas a Vapor
Mods de jogador
  • Carvão Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Aço Ilimitado
  • Comida Crua Ilimitada
  • Núcleos de Vapor Ilimitados
  • Material de Madeira Ilimitado
  • Placas de Aço Ilimitadas
  • Ferramentas a Vapor Ilimitadas
  • Sem Estresse no Gerador
  • Pesquisa Rápida
  • Construção Rápida
  • Resfriamento Instantâneo do Livro de Leis
  • Definir Carvão
  • Definir Madeira
  • Conjunto de Aço
  • Conjunto de Comida Crua
  • Conjunto de Núcleos de Vapor
  • Madeireira
  • Placas de Aço
  • Ferramentas a Vapor
Mods de jogador
  • Carvão Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Aço Ilimitado
  • Comida Crua Ilimitada
  • Núcleos de Vapor Ilimitados
  • Material de Madeira Ilimitado
  • Placas de Aço Ilimitadas
  • Ferramentas a Vapor Ilimitadas
  • Sem Estresse no Gerador
  • Pesquisa Rápida
  • Construção Rápida
  • Resfriamento Instantâneo do Livro de Leis
  • Definir Carvão
  • Definir Madeira
  • Conjunto de Aço
  • Conjunto de Comida Crua
  • Conjunto de Núcleos de Vapor
  • Madeireira
  • Placas de Aço
  • Ferramentas a Vapor
Mods de jogador
  • Carvão Ilimitado
  • Madeira Ilimitada
  • Aço Ilimitado
  • Comida Crua Ilimitada
  • Núcleos de Vapor Ilimitados
  • Material de Madeira Ilimitado
  • Placas de Aço Ilimitadas
  • Ferramentas a Vapor Ilimitadas
  • Sem Estresse no Gerador
  • Pesquisa Rápida
  • Construção Rápida
  • Resfriamento Instantâneo do Livro de Leis
  • Definir Carvão
  • Definir Madeira
  • Conjunto de Aço
  • Conjunto de Comida Crua
  • Conjunto de Núcleos de Vapor
  • Madeireira
  • Placas de Aço
  • Ferramentas a Vapor
Introdução ao WeMod
Visão geral de mods com WeMod Prévia de vídeo demonstrativo

Estes mods fazem parte da nossa coleção PC Game Pass → .

Como funciona?

Etapa 1

Baixe o WeMod

WeMod é o app nº1 para mods e trapaças para 3000+ jogos

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Carvão Ilimitado, Madeira Ilimitada & 18 outros mods for Frostpunk with WeMod
Saiba mais

Etapa 2

Abrir o jogo no WeMod

Meus jogos

Abrir jogo

Etapa 3

Alternar Mods

Seu jogo

On Off Vida ilimitada Estamina ilimitada Alternar Mods

Etapa 4

Jogar com Mods!

✓ Mods ativados

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Personalize seus jogos em segurança com o WeMod

O WeMod é sempre seguro e gratuito graças à nossa comunidade de milhões de jogadores ao redor do mundo. Somos sustentados pelos assinantes do WeMod Pro. Confira nossas avaliações no Trustpilot.

Como uso as trapaças em Frostpunk?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


LocalString4353 4 dez
Thank you for the great mod! I had a lot of fun using it and it was very useful, since I am new to the game, and thus find it a bit too hard. It helped me a lot and I am very grateful to you and every other developer out there!
ShaunDaDon 31 out
worked as it should and still provided a less challenging but still challenging experience. Getting resources can be costly due to having to constantly find survivors. So this definitely came in handy especially since I can turn it on and off from my phone without game disturbance.
StunningMitten752 17 fev
It worked like it said it would. I was trying to enable dev console but I own the GOG version and I couldn't find anything how to do it, Thankfully I found this cheat engine and it worked amazing.
AdAstraWill 21 out
Great mods, saved me plenty during the campaign and made it more fun. I know half the fun of Frostpunk is the fear of failure, but sometimes you just want to go on a power trip, and these mods make it fun!
SubtleSky440 4 jun
since i dont have time to put into becoming the "best", these 'learners' are very helpful in making the game more enjoyable rather than putting me off and picking up another game instead
LazerXXX1 4 abr
Thanks again MAF for another great mod. I've been with you for what seems like a long time now. Since before WeMod was a thing and just a site to go to. Keep up the great work and thanks for all that you have done and keep doing. WeMod was the best thing you ever thought of.
Sytharia 14 out
This is pretty cool to have codes at your finger tips. As a female Gamer, and at the age I am, About to tell you how old I am just in this statement alone. (I remember those cheat code disk and trying to remember how the codes go on your controls). Yes Old as hell, but (lol) Man this is way better.. thank you for creating this
Naifus 25 jun
Thank you for introducing me this application, saved me from many frustrations and stress. I just wanted to play certain games with a peace of mind and enjoy the entertainment given.
MoralDolphin353 7 mar
The software works incredibly well. It works with most of the games i play, which also surprised me. Very easy to use AND it doesnt interfere with achievements, which i really don`t understand by really appreciate.
LadyHill09 3 jan
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I finally get to enjoy this game rather than scream in frustration. I managed to play the game with a few tweeks so that i could enjoy it properly. Legends
ReyEames 10 nov
My brother bought me this game for Christmas and I can finally enjoy the craft and beauty of it! Before I was too stressed and anxious because of its difficulty to enjoy the game, so have hardly played it. Thank you for allowing this to be part of my recreational time instead of my stressful work time!
PoliteProse387 13 jun
Thank you so much! even if its on easy mode its so hard to survive long you need consentration, fast thinking and doing, resourceful, and prepared, now i am actually just chillin lol
mmmkay284 7 jun
Everything worked well. The only trick I needed, was for the instant book of laws cooldown. In order to use another book of law, I had to back out of that selection screen and turn the cheat off and then again. But, it worked that way.
InnerChalk455 7 jun
I have to admit, although playing the game knowing that you are going to win takes a very small portion of the suspense away. With that statement being made, great job on your development. You should be proud because you have allowed a whole different experience to playing the games we love. Thank you!
Hellvan_Frost 7 jun
helped attempt to push the hope back up at the last second cause I was so close to winning... I think, anyway, helped me push that last little bit that I needed... it didnt work but it was a fun panic
GabReb 5 jun
Frostpunk is fun, mostly because you are preparing your self from the Great Frost (Which you don't know about until some refugges appear) and you see the dangers that lie ahead, and when it hits, all you can do is watch to see if you will survive. Even using these cheats, i was still on the edge of my seat, due to so many people getting sick.
SwiftChalk624 3 jun
I enjoyed using this so i could build the settlement how i wanted with no limitations, though the only thing i had an issue with was the constant sounds that specific interactions with the Menu and game made.other then that i enjoyed it alot
ZenMindGamer 29 abr
I try not to use cheats when I can help it, but the story beats of this game were too good despite the hellish difficulty. These mods are a major time saver if you're just interested in seeing how the campaign narrative turns out.
Lumimanic 25 abr
No crashes and it all works! This made a few things I couldn't get past a tiny bit easier. I like how I can remove things to make it my choice and I can use it to just get my by when I mess up and I have to go back 3 saves.
PhantomKing 4 fev
Thank-you. I really like this trainer as the game is hard. I have noticed the instant research does no shut off when I turn it off, the add resources add in increments of 1000 and they used to go in amounts of 1. This is my only critique thank-you very much for this trainer.
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