
:titulo Treinadores e Mods

Treinadores e mods para Steam, Epic Games, e EA

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Vida Ilimitada, Sangue Ilimitado & 9 outros mods for Vampyr with WeMod

Mods 11

Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Sangue Ilimitado
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Sem Dano Agravado
  • Sem Tempo de Recarga de Habilidades
Mods de armas
  • Sem Recarga
  • Munição Ilimitada
Mods de estatísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
  • Dinheiro Ilimitado
Mods de física
  • Velocidade Personalizada
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Sangue Ilimitado
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Sem Dano Agravado
  • Sem Tempo de Recarga de Habilidades
Mods de física
  • Velocidade Personalizada
Mods de armas
  • Sem Recarga
  • Munição Ilimitada
Mods de estatísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
  • Dinheiro Ilimitado
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Sangue Ilimitado
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Sem Dano Agravado
  • Sem Tempo de Recarga de Habilidades
Mods de armas
  • Sem Recarga
  • Munição Ilimitada
Mods de física
  • Velocidade Personalizada
Mods de estatísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
  • Dinheiro Ilimitado
Mods de jogador
  • Vida Ilimitada
  • Sangue Ilimitado
  • Estamina Ilimitada
  • Sem Dano Agravado
  • Sem Tempo de Recarga de Habilidades
Mods de armas
  • Sem Recarga
  • Munição Ilimitada
Mods de estatísticas
  • XP Ilimitado
Mods de física
  • Velocidade Personalizada
Mods de inventário
  • Itens Ilimitados
  • Dinheiro Ilimitado
Vídeo de jogabilidade de mods
Visão geral dos mods e trapaças de Vampyr Prévia de vídeo demonstrativo

Como funciona?

Etapa 1

Baixe o WeMod

WeMod é o app nº1 para mods e trapaças para 3000+ jogos

Download gratuito Começar 85MB Windows ...ou visite nossa página usando seu PC para baixar o aplicativo Obtenha Vida Ilimitada, Sangue Ilimitado & 9 outros mods for Vampyr with WeMod
Saiba mais

Etapa 2

Abrir o jogo no WeMod

Meus jogos

Abrir jogo

Etapa 3

Alternar Mods

Seu jogo

On Off Vida ilimitada Estamina ilimitada Alternar Mods

Etapa 4

Jogar com Mods!

✓ Mods ativados

Você também pode gostar

Personalize seus jogos em segurança com o WeMod

O WeMod é sempre seguro e gratuito graças à nossa comunidade de milhões de jogadores ao redor do mundo. Somos sustentados pelos assinantes do WeMod Pro. Confira nossas avaliações no Trustpilot.

Como uso as trapaças em Vampyr?
O WeMod exibirá todos os jogos no seu PC com segurança. Abra um jogo da lista e simplesmente pressione Jogar. Depois que o jogo for carregado e você estiver no jogo, você poderá começar a ativar diferentes trapaças!
Vai funcionar com a minha versão do jogo?
O WeMod usa tecnologia avançada para detectar a versão do jogo que você está rodando e avisar se é suportada. Se não for, você ainda terá a opção de tentar assim mesmo ou solicitar uma atualização!


PrimeMachine3796 24 dez
THIS IS AWESOME !!!!! It makes the game way way more fun. For someone like me who is a beginner gamer and I don't play much. When I do it sucks to spend hours struggling with basic concepts. So this has been great.
WizardlyHorse293 4 nov
The combat was getting very boring but this modding has saved me from giving up and replaying on story or abandoning the game.
SocialBubble254 28 out
getting past the boss fight made me want to keep playing instead of setting down the game indefinitely, so thanks for letting me continue playing this great game despite my lack of skill!
Nodozer 6 mai
Worked great once I figured out it didn't work the way an older version of WeMod did. Everything is launched through WeMod and the game isn't launched first.
AmpleAlarm314 25 nov
forestwalker111 30 ago
its great, love starting a new game and feeling the power instead of building up to it over the game and then when you are strong the game is over
WordRunner 10 ago
This has been such a huge lifesaver for a section of game that autolocked me in deadly combat. Thank you!
OptionalRail499 29 jul
Everything worked beautifully as described; thank you for all of your efforts - they are greatly appreciated! All the best to you and yours!
ManualShark327 30 mar
thank you for making this possible even though I havent yet had a chance to use it because your prompts and likes and comments stuff showed up first. so I have no idea if this is any good or not but I appreciate that you put in the time and effort to make these cheats possible because it really irks me that the developers patched the infinite xp glitch. Its my game, I bought it, I should be allowed to play it how I want to. they never should have taken that cheat away. So I am thankful that you are bringing it back.
SuperEagle700 27 mar
Love this!! i haven`t found any other modding app that keeps adding games to its library and ensure all mods work as long as you follow instructions keep up the good
LilLadV2 24 fev
In the mary reid boss fight you die if she hits you too much even if you have god toggled, other than that good
SilverShirts007 19 fev
Allowed me to get past a particularly difficult sections that was starting to make the game not fun to play.
ManualPumpkin829 4 jan
I would not have made it though parts of the game without the use of some of these mods. Thank you so much for your hard work! It means the world to a mom that likes to game but doesn't have a bunch of time to do it in!
StaticBranch411 26 dez
Thanks so much for developing this mod! It helps us older gamers progress in a game instead of just getting frustrated and quiting instead. Thanks Again!
Wafflenaught 7 dez
First I've seen of a memory edit that actually works for Vampyr, given that I suspect there are some locks are bars so to say on the developers behalf that have always prevented me from doing such editing manually with programs such as Artmoney or Cheat Engine
Sytheria 21 nov
Much appreciated for the excellent developing of this program. You help set the stage for real personal gaming.
OrganicSpoon210 18 ago
Mods to the game worked just fine. I liked that the infinite items mod basically gave me every item for upgrades that I didn't have.
PleasantPuppy306 23 jul
DUDE Thank you sooooo much this made game play actually very fun for me and im so glad you did this thank you very much
ExtremePencil680 27 jun
The final boss fight is impossible! This mod got we through the boss fight, so I could complete the game. Wonderful, thanks!
Relmara 13 abr
Thanks for the mod. I will say it seemed to cause a small issue when I was progressing that caused crash but that could be something screwy my laptop did. But I should have enough money now to but all the supplies I need to cure everyone!
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