
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning修改器和秘籍

修改器和秘籍: Steam

4.9/5 34K 条评论 10K+ 次下载 安全 已经过 VirusTotal 扫描 作者:MrAntiFun
免费下载 开始使用 85MB Windows ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载无限生命, 无限法力 & 其他 12 项修改 for Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning with WeMod

修改功能 14

  • 无限生命
  • 无限法力
  • 即时技能冷却
  • 无限增益持续时间
  • 无限耐久性
  • 立即命运值充满
  • 未被探测
  • 增加5K灵石
  • 无限消耗品
  • 增加500经验值
  • 增加2个技能/能力点数
  • 减去1个技能/能力点数
  • 无限箭矢
  • 快速击杀
  • 无限生命
  • 无限法力
  • 即时技能冷却
  • 无限增益持续时间
  • 无限耐久性
  • 立即命运值充满
  • 未被探测
  • 增加5K灵石
  • 无限消耗品
  • 增加500经验值
  • 增加2个技能/能力点数
  • 减去1个技能/能力点数
  • 无限箭矢
  • 快速击杀
  • 无限生命
  • 无限法力
  • 即时技能冷却
  • 无限增益持续时间
  • 无限耐久性
  • 立即命运值充满
  • 未被探测
  • 增加5K灵石
  • 无限消耗品
  • 无限箭矢
  • 快速击杀
  • 增加500经验值
  • 增加2个技能/能力点数
  • 减去1个技能/能力点数
  • 无限生命
  • 无限法力
  • 即时技能冷却
  • 无限增益持续时间
  • 无限耐久性
  • 立即命运值充满
  • 未被探测
  • 增加5K灵石
  • 无限消耗品
  • 增加500经验值
  • 增加2个技能/能力点数
  • 减去1个技能/能力点数
  • 无限箭矢
  • 快速击杀
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning 修改与秘籍概览 演示视频


第 1 步

下载 WeMod

WeMod 是一款好评如潮的游戏修改应用,支持超过 3000 款游戏

免费下载 开始使用 85MB Windows ...或者在 PC 上访问我们的官网并下载桌面应用 下载无限生命, 无限法力 & 其他 12 项修改 for Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning with WeMod

第 2 步

在 WeMod 中打开游戏



第 3 步



无限血量 无限耐力 切换开关

第 4 步


✓ 已开启修改


WeMod 让你安全地掌控自己的游戏体验

WeMod 致力于服务全球数百万玩家,坚守安全和免费原则是我们对用户社区的承诺。我们不断发展壮大,离不开 WeMod Pro 会员的支持。我们在 Trustpilot 上的用户评价就是最有力的证明。

如何在 Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning 中使用修改器?
WeMod 会安全地扫描并显示你的 PC 上已安装的所有游戏。只需从列表中选择一款游戏并点击“开始游戏”,即可快速启动游戏。当游戏完成加载并进入游戏画面后,你就可以开启各种修改了!
WeMod 还能使用先进技术自动检测你的游戏版本,并告知你该游戏是否支持修改。如果暂无修改,你可以选择直接进入游戏或提交制作申请!


Lothar_LocNar 9 12月
thanks bro, but I needed the ability points to change when needed and the god ability to be effective against the boss fights.
DarthStarwalker 4 12月
Thanks; one note is I had to shut off my antivirus to get the mods to work. You may want to add that note.
InnerMask458 15 11月
Cheers m8 this makes a warrior viable for me and able to use Fate at will is good because I always saved it so never used it, now it's like jet in fallout :)
Tomish 28 4月
its good but the skill/ability points is too confusing since I get a weird clicking noise that won't stop when i use them.
LordSkinni671 19 4月
i am very pleasantly surprised how well this system works. not to mention the ease of access. just phenomenal!
HappyFire307 27 6月
Looked for a quick way to enjoy and relive one of my favorite games w/o having to sink time into it since I cannot game like I used to, and this is perfect. Thank you!
LostSky167 11 4月
all cheats work really well,instant loadtimes so you dont have to wait for the cheat to activate
CaffeinatedWolfe 3 3月
All of the cheats work with aplomb. Great work and thank you for adding another layer of fun to a game I'd already put over 500+ hours into!
SeagullsStopitNow 16 2月
This actually works on the Epic version as well. Just drag and drop the koa.exe from where it's installed on your PC.
Rykentharr 9 1月
Thanks to your trainer I can play the game with no armor on and be a shirtless barbarian and not have to worry about health loss with unlimited consumables.
KitsuneShu 28 12月
These are amazing! It makes playing through the game a second time extremely fun, since you don't have to worry about all the little things and can just explore to your hearts content.
Raede 2 12月
These mods encouraged me to buy the game and play it and I'm having a blast ignoring all the grind! Thanks so much!
RobbieX 10 11月
Hey thank you....it makes the game much more enjoyable - I love the story more than being constantly killed
REXdanger323 25 9月
Thank you for this! this made me explore some builds and get through some annoying quests or monsters i didn't want to deal with.
VarenDrath 5 7月
Every now and then the game will start making a clicking sound when using cheats. Only thing that fixes it is completely closing out the game and reloading. Other than that its all good.
S0ULREAPER_13 29 5月
everything worked great the only thing I had to do was key bind one of the mods because it conflicted with the health mod but it was no big deal. Thanks for taking the time to create these mods.
Ebon_Cerberus 4 3月
You are amazing to do this for people. This lets me enjoy the story line with out much of the need to grind or constantly repair my gear. Truly amazing. Live long and prosper my friend. ^^
StrikingZebra731 25 2月
This is perfect for games I have already beaten and just want to exp the story without the grind.
Messy_Monkey 21 2月
Thanks for making this for the game, it's nice to experiment and try something new without the needless grinding in some parts.
Brazenglory1977 17 2月
Thanks for going though all the trouble, it has really allowed me to get the most out of my game. YOU ROCK!

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